Replacing Sand Bed


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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I have had my tank now for 4.5 years and my sand bed (1-2 inches) is starting to fill up with dirt and whilst I syphone it off best i can by disturbing it at water change I never manage to get it all out, so my question is

If I syphon out the sand and detriment together back to the base glass and then added fresh live sand, would this cause a mini cycle in the tank.

Disturbing the sand band by itself may cause an ammonia spike + you would removing so many organisms which live in the sand band. I wouldn't recommend it... Get something to sift your sand instead.
Hi Nemo,

Thanks for taking time out from looking after the little ones

I've tried sand sifting starfish and struggled to keep them , is there any other inverts etc you would recommend (reasonably priced)


Hi Nemo again

No need to reply, I have just seen the topic about five slots down dooh.

Will post if I need help.
i replace my sand bed all teh time, like an ongoing thing. As an old sand bed is linked to old tank syndrome - basically all the crap that gets stuck in it lowers watwer quality over time. So when i water change i siphon off the top layer with all the crap, then add some new stuff when it gets a bit thin
i replace my sand bed all teh time, like an ongoing thing. As an old sand bed is linked to old tank syndrome - basically all the crap that gets stuck in it lowers watwer quality over time. So when i water change i siphon off the top layer with all the crap, then add some new stuff when it gets a bit thin

Aye but that's different than taking it all out at once!
I also read, on here I believe, that disrupting your sand bed when you are not in the habit of doing so more than often releases ammonia. Any experience Ben?
How big is your tank? If it's not a nano and you have a deeper sand bed 3 inches or so, i'd recommend a diamond goby. Those things will keep your sand looking pristine! Just get a cover or something for your tank because they are jumpers!

That said, i'd replace it little by little instead of all at once!
Disturbing the sand band by itself may cause an ammonia spike + you would removing so many organisms which live in the sand band. I wouldn't recommend it... Get something to sift your sand instead.
every week i mix my sand bed with a stick before i take 10%water out would that cause an ammonia spike

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