Rena Xp3 Leaking.. My Room Is Now A Swamp! Help : )


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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ok so i woke up this morning.. soaking wet flood empty fish tank.. you know just what you want to wake up to haha.

with that being said my rena xp3 is leaking. its fairly new i would say about 4 or 5 months. water is dripping down the power cord. water has completely filled the inside of the lid with water???? ive never had a filter problem before.. my other xp3 has been going for a year now fine.. so tell me what you guys think.
i dont trust rena filters (externals)

the one io had lasted a year the seal went once. i had about 20 uk gallons on my mums floor! after about a week the room stunk. i had to drain the tank move it and wash the carpet about 3 times ot get rid of the water smell!

bought a new seal and a few weeks later its started to leak again! luckly there was only a little pile of water in the cupboard (luckily the cupboard/stand survived both times)

other than that they are good filter imo. easy to use and quite from what i remember

So i take it that sounds like a bad seal to you? i think im going to try to take it back to petsmart.. or just freak on the manufactorer.. guess it has a 2 year warranty.. I lose 40 % of my tank in my room... bah smells like CRAP haha

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