Rena Filstar


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
Just out of interest, i run a rena filstar xp 2 on my tank and was wondering what peoples take are on these. The reason i ask is that i don't really hear anyone talking about these. Are they rubbish, to expensive, am i gonna end up with a massive flood one day??? Don't really hear to much on here about any rena stuff infact!!! (maybe that answers my question lol).
Renas are nice. Albeit I've had mine for only about 3 months now. But it works great. The quietest filter ever, it was very cheap for the flow rate. It's not the prettiest looking canister filter but It works nicely. I'd reccomend keeping a towel or bin around the bottom because when you open the top, water will likely spray out, however I'd reccomend a Rena to anyone who asks.
I'd reccomend keeping a towel or bin around the bottom because when you open the top, water will likely spray out,

I just found that out the hard way :lol: :lol: I'm just starting out and it was the first time I'd ever opened it after it had been running - I did get a tad wet :rolleyes: Surprisingly it doesnt mention this phenomenon in the instructions :lol:
I had that problem to lol. I do like the filter though very quite. I was a bit worried though that knowone seems to have one. Thought i might wake up to 3 inches of water in my front room.
I have read very good reviews from people who own them. I myself was considering a canister filter, and wanted a nice quiet one as all my fish tanks are in my room. People have said that they are quiet, work great, and last awhile.

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