Rena Cor Heating Cable 25w


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Ferndown, UK
Hi does anybody own a Rena Cor Heating Cable? if so i'm after some advice. i put a post in the hardware section, but its not getting any replies so thought i'd try here. sorry to double post, :blush: just want to find somebody who can help. if you own a 25w version please read my other post here
I can`t honestly say how many suction cups it should come with, but if you are worried about it coming in to contact with the glass bottom of the tank, you could always lay it on top of a thin layer of sand, or whatever substrate you are going to use.

I suppose I ought to ask you why you are using the cable? If it is to enhance plant growth, then you might find it to be a waste of money. Very few people with planted tanks bother with them, as there is no evidence to suggest that they add any benefit to plant health or growth. I have used one myself and found it to be ineffective.

I can`t honestly say how many suction cups it should come with, but if you are worried about it coming in to contact with the glass bottom of the tank, you could always lay it on top of a thin layer of sand, or whatever substrate you are going to use.

I suppose I ought to ask you why you are using the cable? If it is to enhance plant growth, then you might find it to be a waste of money. Very few people with planted tanks bother with them, as there is no evidence to suggest that they add any benefit to plant health or growth. I have used one myself and found it to be ineffective.

its not to keep it off the bottom, the instructions say that the cable shouldn't touch itself, but its VERY hard to arrange that with only 4 clips. :(

i got it because i was told it reduces the probability of anaerobic buildups in the substrate and circulates more oxygen around the roots. i realize its not a NECESSITY per se, but i want to do the best i can for my plants.
the best way to do avoid dead spots would be to add a few malasian trupet snails (mts) and have done with the heating cable :)
Yeh sorry to say it, but heating cables are pretty much a waste of money. If you can take it back and spend the money on something that will actually help the tank, like better lights or pressurised CO2.


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