Rena Aqualife 450 With Diy Backdrop - 1st Tank.

Picture of tank a year and a bit on, succesfully bred over 70 Cynotolapia Afra Red Top in this tank now most to 2-3 inches and all sold on to LFS, have breeding zebras and yellow Labs too but only one of them has made it to any decent size, the Venustus and Livingstoni are pretty sharp at catching the fry now (hopefully no more quaterly moving of 150kg of rock out of tank to catch the little blighters). It was never mean't to be a breeding tank I guess they are just happy in there. Only lost 4 fish - One that I have a suspicion had the start of bloat when I bought him, and 3 due to aggression very strange as all happened without any changes in the tank and just sudden incidents, sucessfully treated fin rot in the Venustus, so all the fish you see as babes in my journal are the ones in my new photo, can't believe they were ever that tiny. All Haps are happy and healthy and the Blue Moori likes to eat algae as I clean rocks and glass and stays right up against my hand letting me actually stroke her side - very bizarre! The DIY backdrop has held up very well with no sign of wear and tear it now has a nice covering of algae which most of them have a go at, especially the Socolofi. I would like to think that this tank is testament to reading and reading some more, asking questions and doing research and then carrying out thorough checks and letting a fishless cycle run its course long before actually throwing fish into a tank full of water.
Many thanks to all those on here who offered advice and ideas and have helped me create this happy wet little haven in my living room, as for anyone new to this hobby I would advise to take notice of the major no no's and don't do anything daft just because you think it might be cool, learn from others mistakes/disasters. Treat some things that people tell you you can't do with a degree of scepticism and use your own common sense and some research to make your decisions.

hay mate
big well dun to you
such a good read mate
and im so happy it all worked
out well for you and all your
happy little/big fish
good job :)
Thankyou everybody for your kind comments, I see this has now had quite a few views so here's hoping I have inspired some others to try it for themselves.
My wife has persuaded me to pick up a 2nd hand Godiva marine 5ft tank to match the Marine tank I ordered from Godiva, it was an opportunity not to miss. Plan was to switch the Malawis into the 5ft Godiva but there is too much work to do in switching the tanks to guarantee the fishes health whilst switching over.
So with regret I am selling the lot, in the absence of being able to find the whole lot a new home I will have to get rid of the fish first

This isn't a sales thread as my LFS will take them off me at a reasonable price but I would desperately like to house the pair of breeding Cynotolapia 'Red Top' Afra's, Mbuna Malawi Cichlids they are a beautiful pair and the female is holding a batch at the moment. They have made me over £100 in juves sold back to the LFS but they can't house them as a pair and I really don't like the thought of them being seperated, and there are always people wanting to get Malawis breeding on here so thought I would give someone a headstart. Not a guarantee that they will breed elsewhere but a good chance.

So does anyone know anyone who would like them, I want £20 for the pair which is stupid cheap and the same as the LFS would give me but would like to find them a home together to continue their good work, she's got £30 worth juves in her mouth.
DADDY about 6-7 inch.

MUMMY holding about 4-5 inch.
AquaLife 3D
AquaLife 3D is a Facebook game putting players in control of their virtual aquariums, where
they purchase, breed, raise and sell fish to earn coins, XP and diamonds.

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