Removing internal filter advice


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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Nottingham, UK
Hi, I am removing my juwel compact H internal filter, to give my 22Gal. tank more space. Could anyone recommed a decent external filter. There is so many differnt sorts and makes I am confussed on what to buy.
Also how long whould you recommened the external filter to be up and running before removing the juwel.
My tank has been set up for more than a year and is fully stocked.
Any advice be much appreciated. Thanks............ :)
It's hard to reccommend a hob not knowing what is available in the UK, but I know Fluval & Eheim canisters are available. Go with a Fluval 104, or 204 for a more heavily stocked tank. An Eheim 2211 or 2222 would work great if you have a few extra bucks, they are a little pricey, but are some of the best filters you will find.

Run them together for at least 2 weeks, a month would be better. After you pull the old filter off, keep an eye on water parameters for a while, you want to avoid a mini cycle.

BTW, welcome to TFF! :D Lots of good people here, I think you will enjoy yourself.

:D Cheers Tolak, I was just loooking at the Fluval 204 on a site, It had a guide on how to install and setup. Seemed easy for a novice like me. It was all the different media that had me confused. Understand it now I think. :fun:
UK price £85-100.
Glad I could help. I love canisters, mine are all Eheims. Plenty of people use the Fluvals, they are a good filter at a good price. The length of time between maintanance is much greater than any other filter, and they run practically silent.

They do take a little more set up than other filters but not much. Once they are up & running, kick back & enjoy.

:D Hi, I just found a Eheim 2222 for £65. I am going to buy this filter. Just one more thing and then i,ll leave you alone. I noticed that there's no media supplied with it. What's the best media to put in this filter?
Thanks again........... :thumbs:
i got the eheim pro for £85 from ebay including media. its silent and the best thing is you can adjust the flow rate on it.
Glad you found a deal on one! I got my 2222 used a while back for $50

I set mine up pretty standard, starting with ehfimech & a coarse filter pad in the bottom basket, ehfisubstrat & a fine pad in the top basket. If you like running carbon, you could put one in the top basket, after the fine pad. I don't run carbon in canisters, it loses it's effectiveness in a few days to a few weeks, it's easier to run it in a hob & pull it out.

The great thing about canisters is that you can run just about any sort of media in them that fits in. Add more mechanical sort of media, get better mechanical filtration, more bio type of media, better bio filtration. Some people run peat in them to lower the ph. The combinations are endless. You don't have to go with the Eheim media if you find something cheaper, but it's a good idea to stick with the Eheim pads, they fit really well.

If you PM Lateral Line, one of the mods on here, he'll give you a ton of info on them. He's been using them for many years, would have some good ideas for your particular tank & fish. Don't worry about asking questions here, there's plenty of people who like answering them, and enjoy that new filter!


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