removed a lot of plants....

Sorry, couldn't resist :rofl:

As suggested it will fill out nicely and look a lot diferent in no time - a bit of red looks good anyway. I have avoided it personally in my tank because I'm just a nature freak!
gf225 said:
Sorry, couldn't resist :rofl:

As suggested it will fill out nicely and look a lot diferent in no time - a bit of red looks good anyway. I have avoided it personally in my tank because I'm just a nature freak!

:*) oh don't you guys! The only thing that makes me feel better about it is my boyfriend loves it! He even says it needs more red :lol: no accounting for taste huh?

Well, I dont have a lot of hope for the red plants, but it'll be nice while they last. Hopefully the green will take over a bit soon...:S

Apart from that it's not too bad is it? :*)

And the other thing is I do think the small leaved plants give an illusion of a bigger tank (altho mr guppy gives it away a bit). :D
houndour said:
Apart from that it's not too bad is it?  :*)
Don't worry Sam, it looks fine. Besides, the main thing is that are you happy with it.

It is very hard to imagine what a layout will look like as an end result. It never looks great from the outset and you can always change things around in the mean time as the plants grow and fill out to suit your taste. I'm sure it will look wonderful in a few weeks.
hi hondour, it looks great. i know it's hard to picture now but that lot should fill out nicely.

what did you do with the riccia by the way? did it go with the last strip down?
jimbooo said:
hi hondour, it looks great. i know it's hard to picture now but that lot should fill out nicely.

what did you do with the riccia by the way? did it go with the last strip down?

The riccia was too badly covered with algae. It wasn't saveable :( the bga comes off really easily, but it was just too much with riccia, not the easiest plant to clean.
hey houndour,

i was just woundering how deep your sand is, the reason i ask is because i also have a sand bottom tank, and my stupid plants wont stay in the sand, part of the problem is the fish keep digging in the sand, and another is that i probably do not have enough sand in there to hold them in. right now i have some of my decorative rocks leaning against them to hold them down.

thanks in advance
My sand isn't probably deep's about 1 inch on the left (i dunno why but no matter how much I rake it, it all moves to the right - water flow probably) and then slopes up to 2 inches on the right.

I think it should be 2 inches.

I find stem plants with just stem at the bottom come out easier. Whereas when they have roots they take hold...but then with stem plants you're always cutting and replanting. I do have some laterite on the bottom. Maybe thats giving some grip. But I find that the plants stay down easier in sand than in gravel.
i have the opposite problem. my rooted plants keep coming up easier than just the stem plants. and my sand varies from 1.5 incehs to 2 inches. it was deeper but i took some of the sand out of the main tank to put into the smaller tank where i raise my fry at.
maybe its the top heavy plants that are coming out more? I had cabomba and I had no choice but to use lead weights on that. What types of plants do you have?
umm... lets see... some calapso sanderiana, rotala magenta, baby tears, large amazon, some jungle vals, and dwarf sag, and a couple potted ones

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