Rehoming Loaches


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2010
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I've got 2 chinese algae eaters which need a new home - this is what you get for trusting P@H :X
Don't think CAE=NO, for the right setup they'd be perfect

They're at 10cm and 7 cm, but they WILL grow more. They'll need at least 125L, 200L when they're older
ATM they're about 9 months old and i've kept them with non-aggressive fish their whole lives

These guys are fantastic algae eaters and i'll be sad to see them go, but they're too aggressive for my tank
I'd reccomend them to anyone with an aggresive cichlid tank - they're very pH tolerant and would do fine with malawis. In a well planted tank, they can be kept together
DO NOT KEEP with angelfish, discus or other slow, deep bodied fish. Tetras are fine and so are highly aggressive fish - they're very fast :)

I'd prefer to arrange a pickup seeing as it's winter. They're in the North Yorkshire area. I'd consider posting them, but this will depend on the weather
these are also good in the bottom of oscar tanks :good:
if i had space i would have had them off you but ive got 3 already :lol:
Good to know! :good:

I love these beasties, but if i can't rehome them they'll be put down - my mum was not amused when they attacked her favourite fish :S
Our only LFS is P@H. Of course i'll try to give them the fish but seeing as we bought them 6 months ago i doubt they'll take them. Besides, they'd probably be sold on to another uninformed newbie

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