Regular Ole' Nano With A Twist!


Aug 10, 2007
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My nano has turned out really well so far. I've heard people talk about keeping a tang in a small tank and it doesnt work. But I wanted to try for myself first hand & what would happen with having a tang in a small tank. I got my tang already it's under an inch and was the beaten up tang at the lfs. So far it has gone from being light blueish-white to that dark blue color. It eats and swims through the rock and enjoys itself.

Edit: If it is going to come down to people telling me to bring it back to the pet store lay it on me right now. I personally love tangs and if anything happens to the tang I will have it back to the lfs in the hour.
You will find that this fish will do well in your tank. Babies of any animal can live well in smaller tanks than the adults could, and I could keep an Orca in a ten gallon if it only was an inch long. But, sooner or later the tang's gonna grow. So, for now it is perfectly feasible, but you will need a place for the fish to go when it gets bigger!

On another forum I used to frequent a guy kept both a convict and a regal in a twenty gallon tank, and to be honest they were as healthy looking as any I've seen. Do ready yourself for some flames; most people aren't so open minded regarding these fish.
You will find that this fish will do well in your tank. Babies of any animal can live well in smaller tanks than the adults could, and I could keep an Orca in a ten gallon if it only was an inch long. But, sooner or later the tang's gonna grow. So, for now it is perfectly feasible, but you will need a place for the fish to go when it gets bigger!

On another forum I used to frequent a guy kept both a convict and a regal in a twenty gallon tank, and to be honest they were as healthy looking as any I've seen. Do ready yourself for some flames; most people aren't so open minded regarding these fish.
Yeah I am ready for it. But thanks for giving me some back-up.
I'll see what time brings. Chances are I will upgrade pretty soon. But if I don't and the tang does get too big for the tank I'll bring him back to the lfs.

Edit:For the most part all my fish in the tank will have to have a bigger tank to be happy anyways. So an upgrade is something I'm planning for.
mmmm liquid candy...

TANG%20ORANGE.JPG one here is going to FLAME you per se. Any small fish can be kept in a nano. You can even keep the fish in there until it gets larger, but, it WILL need a larger tank. The other problem, outside of size you know as in fresh..the larger the fish, the more waste it produces and some tangs will 'pick'. SH

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