I was looking at some reflectors the other day and it states it doubles the wattage of lights via reflection. Is this true or is it just a way to get people to buy them?
They increase intensity. Obviously the power consumption (Wattage) of the lamp remains the same.
By how much intensity depends on the efficiency of the reflector - no reflector is 100% efficient due to re-strike i.e. light constantly bouncing back and forth between the tube and the reflector i.e. not toward the plants. This is why tin-foil and other DIY efforts are next to useless.
Yea, i should of made it more clear, i knew the wattage i.e power consumption doesnt increase but thanks for mentioning it .
Would it mean that they double the intensity of the light, i.e if i have two 18w tubes i'll have the intensity of four 18w tubes (or just under as you state, they arent 100% efficient).
A good reflector will reflect most of the tube's light output downward, as for a % figure I have no idea. Keeping the reflectors scrupiously clean will help - window cleaner is great.
Any planted tank owner should have decent reflectors, they are the cheapest and easiest way to get more light.