

Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
I have heard that putting a mirror near the tank makes the betta "flare" is this true??
I was taking pics of my betta *well trying* and he flard at that but then there was a mirror near him he acted fine no flaring or anything??? So does the miroro trick work or not???
Well when they see a betta (Use mostly a mirror because they cant recognise their own reflections) then they automaticly flare :nod:
If your betta is new to his tank he might not flare right away.
But, given time he will.

They're not *ahem* bright enough to realize when they're looking at themselves :D
Here's some proof for you.

This is my Harvey lookin at himself in the reflection of his tank.
Isn't he just the cutest thing? :rolleyes:

Well i have a daft fish then!!!! :lol: as if he did anything when i put the mirror in front of him he just admired himself!!!!!! I have had him for 2months, he flared at the camera and when i put a cory in with him he went mental (so the cory was taken back to my LFS :S )

Anyone else had this happen???

*sigh* of all the fighting fish in the world I get the one who is stupid :lol: :D *sigh*
What are his tank conditions like?
My fish here at work didn't flare at all until I got his tank a heater and got all his conditions right.

Now he's a flaring fool.
My wee guy has clean water, a heater set at 25degrees C dunno what that is in F sorry (should that b changed???). He seems happy enough making himself a big bubble nest anyways which is good

Any ideas on altering anything (i.e temps)

P.s I do water changes every 2weeks in my 1gal tank.
Your temp is 77 degrees F, that's just about perfect.
For a 1 gallon tank you need to change the water 2 times each week at least - the once every 2 weeks isn't enough.

That will help you!
He'll be much happier, I promise!
I have 2.5 gallon tanks and i do 100% water changes every 5 days.
Is the temp ok in Degress C though or should it be higher???

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