Reef Tank On A Shoe String


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Background :

Having kept tropical/freshwater fish for a few years, everything from Koi to tetra's/ Oscars to corydoras and spent a fair amount of time in LFS. I kept wandering over to the marine section and oohing and aahing at the massive variety of Marine Fish, invertebrates and Coral, and then always pulling myself away with the thought that keeping marine was just to complicated for me and I was better sticking to tropical. Well having received help on here involving my many tropical ups and downs, I decided that enough was enough and it was time for a Marine tank. But never let it be said that I can't apply my own #16##### backwards methodology to everything I do.

Mission :

I'm looking to put together a 400-600l reef tank on a minimal budget. The shoestring is a little inaccurate since even buying most of the stuff second hand from ebay and LR from ex-reefers I still expect the bill to run to about £1000. I would like to avoid buying corals and grow them all from frags if this is viable. I would also like to run a closed loop rather than powerheads but have yet to decide if this is viable for a tank this size. LFS said that closed loop would absolutely not work but then he also tried to tell me i need 100kg of LR for a 400l tank and that I absolutely needed live sand (sigh).

Tale so far :

As I said I have a tendency to do things in an odd order. So far I have managed to find myself a nice deltec skimmer, bought all the live rock I need (Who can resist Bargain live rock :rolleyes: ), got my self a circulation pump and a few test kits and some rowaphos but I haven't actually sourced a tank yet :crazy: So all the rock is currently in an old tank cycling.

Equipment :

D + D h20 refractometer
R-O Man 4 stage RO unit with DI
Eheim compact + 3000
Deltec MCE 600
40-50kg LR
26kg Salt
Salifert Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate,PH,KH/ALK and Phosphate Test kits.
Vortech MP 40 W ES
32mm Piping and connectors for sump

Updated gear list to reflect current state.
Looking for something suitable on ebay. Thing was i got a really good deal on my last tank and i think it is making me tight :). Seen a couple go by but they either been below the condition i'm looking for or made to much.
You planning on getting a marine set up with a sump, or you open to the idea of getting a tank and then getting it drilled?
Depends whats available. I'll take either drilled or drill one myself. Although scary i think it could be a good learning experience.
Well i got my tank. 380l rena. I reckon I can probably fit a 200l sump under it with a bit of DIY modification. So tommorow it's time to get the tools out and start drilling holes and pulling stuff apart. Wish me luck. Ohh my camera battery is flat and can't find charger and all the photos off my phone are out of focus so ho hum. MY final setup concept has changed slightly. I think i'm going to end up going T5 and that I'm going to make my own bespoke hood to take them. Thinking probaly 6 * 54w (with reflector if i can get them in) as the tank is quite deep Just over 24" i think. I may have strayed a little from my cheap concept by being tempted by a vortech mp 40 w But i think it will only run to a bit more than a Closed loop system and will provide far better water movement in tank.

My drill bit has arrived so wish me luck for tommorow. Will either be images of me with my nicely drilled tank or just a few curse words.
You'll be ok. Is it a starret cutter?.....if it is go slow and obviously don't apply any pressure. Let the drill do the work! Lol!

Ps the LR looks good. Exactly how many curing tanks have u got running? I bet u spent a small fortune on heaters and pumps lol
Just 2. it was supposed to be 1 but i had to much rock for either tank. Only thing like that i had to buy was an eheim pump and it will be used as a return pump for my sump so no real extra investment except for £6.99 tub.
Just 2. it was supposed to be 1 but i had to much rock for either tank. Only thing like that i had to buy was an eheim pump and it will be used as a return pump for my sump so no real extra investment except for £6.99 tub.

You can't moan at that tbh! :good:
Just 2. it was supposed to be 1 but i had to much rock for either tank. Only thing like that i had to buy was an eheim pump and it will be used as a return pump for my sump so no real extra investment except for £6.99 tub.

You can't moan at that tbh! :good:

LOL if only everything else in marine was so cheap :)

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