Reef Stocking, Help!

I thought you didn't want a six line wrasse, they were too aggressive for you ???

Oh, and get a sexy shrimp! :hey:
Yes exactly Aquascaper.

And i do want sixline, and i will get some sexy shrimp!
What about a Chocolate Chip Starfish? And what about Venus Anemone Shrimp?
And what about maiden's hair? Lovely plant
Choco stars are not reef safe. Periclemens shrimp are very delicate so i think ill pass. :good:
After the tanks a few months old, and i get a better light, i want a few clams.
Ueah, my dad has an old giant metal halide that you hang. Will it work?

Neon blue gobies are too small and i think they will be eaten.
Not sure on wattage, but i think itll be too much now that i look at it. Any ideas on cheap Metal halides?

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