Reef Safe?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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hey i wanted to get some cortin kinds of fish but on some websights it say not reef safe?? this mean's what?? they can't be in a tank that has like live rocks and thinks like that??

sory if this is a stupid question but i'am just a begginer :blush:
No live rocks, no invertabrates, and sometimes no small fish :good:! At least that's what I think it means.
Has nothing to do with LR.

Here's what it means Will eat corals, crustaceans, or other invertebrates, and/or small fish.
A reef generally consist of corals, either or both LPS (soft) and hard (SPS) corals. When a fish, invertebrate, or anything else is considered "not reef safe" it means that specific species could negatively harm your reef tank.

Theres a few types of tanks for marine. FOWLR, Fish only with live rock with only fish and live rock, Reef, which should be low nutrient and packed with coral, and FO is Fish only with fish plus mechanical filtration.

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