Reef Or Cichlids....


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
I have a 15 gallon aquarium with some pretty crappy and dim lights that came with it, of course I will replace them if I get a reef but I just can't decide between these. I LOVE saltwater, going to the beach, and especially clown fish. Could I fit a pair of clowns in a 15 gallon? I'm getting a koi pond with a barrier so that on one side I can have it deep, with koi, and the other can be shallower and house my leftover tropical fish that didn't catch neon tetra disease. (Mollies, swordtails, neons, pleco.) So now that my tank will be empty, I don't know what to put in it. I know cichlids would probably be easier to maintain, and they are very colorful, but... the reef would be so pretty =/ Also, how long do I have to let a salwater tank run or cycle for, before I can add like coral and fish? Thanks! - Jade107
Right you have gone onto the forum part specifically for Marine & asked us whether to go marine or not.... I would say reef :shifty:
Well I'm pretty sure I want a reef, but how much does the coral and anemone would cost? and like I asked, how long do I let it run before adding fish?
Well I'm pretty sure I want a reef, but how much does the coral and anemone would cost? and like I asked, how long do I let it run before adding fish?
it all depends on how you lighting is.

you need to think about a few things.

live rock
protein skimmer
aragonite sand or crushed coral
test kits

ive probably missed a few things...but this is not a cheap hobby!
truckasauras got it, there are too many varibles in both situations to make a simple question of reef vs cichlid. Some cichlid tanks may be harder than the most basic reef and vise versa.

There can be a lot to reef tanks (moreso than cichlids) but once they get up and running they are quite easy if you stick to easy to care for species.
There is no way you can keep a nem for any length of time in a 15g tank.

That said, corals are as expensive as you want them to be. It all depends on your sources (can get some cheaper from fellow reefers fragging rather than buying from lfs) and what you want.

Yes you can keep a pair of clowns in a 15 provided they are smaller species like percula.

You let the lr sit in the tank until there's 0 ammonia and nitrites. then let it sit another week or two for good measure. Then if your nitrates are under 40 you can add snails or cuc and some fish.

Read the sticky's on the info link :good:
Get a reef - I had this same internal debate, got a large cichlid tank thinking it would be easier, etc. but still had to have the reef. I now have a new reef tank and no cichlids.
word i like cockatoos.

I had a 60 gallon mbuna tank and switched cold turkey to a 90 gallon reef. Will never look back.

Clowns don't need an anemone, you could get some LPS that "look" like a nem or be flowy. They also don't need to host anything either.

A 15g with a pair of clowns and a big hammer coral or torch or frogspawn would look great.

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