Redtailedshark Diet?

Tyler Lacroix

New Member
Jul 19, 2012
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So I bought a RTS a day ago. The first 24 hours, I didn't feed it. Then today I put in algae wafers, but it didn't even bother with it. Either that or because my 5 upside down catfishes swarm around it. How would you go around making sure the RTS eats?
I have a rainbow shark which is the smallest of my semi aggressive tank. He has no problem sneaking a few bites of the brine shrimp I throw in there. I have never seen him eat any of the wafers, maybe try different foods?
I feed mine blood worms and flakes, but I will say it took a few weeks for it to accept the flakes. Also I don't think they are algae eaters, which may be why your having trouble.

This may be beneficial for you -
My RTBS loves tetra prima and sinking cichlid pellets.
Do they eat Cucumber like Plecs do, might be worth a try, I don't know I haven't got one but just a suggestion.
Give it a few days and it will settle and start eating. Mine eats flakes and algae wafers. It'll soon be the boss of your tank and make sure it gets a feed each time!
It'll soon be the boss of your tank and make sure it gets a feed each time!

which is why i would never put one in an otherwise community type tank....

they mostly eat flakes off the bottom IME
It'll soon be the boss of your tank and make sure it gets a feed each time!

which is why i would never put one in an otherwise community type tank....

they mostly eat flakes off the bottom IME

Yeah I tend to agree. I've been lucky with mine, it's not reallt aggressive. Will occasionally chase one of my fish at feeding time, but I know other people who have them and they got absolutely mental when it's dinner time.
Rainbows are omnivores.

They will accept blood worm, brine shrimp, glass worm etc

They will also take flake foods when they learn its a food source (they will go to it when they are starving :) )

Mine also accepted algae disks too, each fish is individual, some will and some won't

In terms of cucumber/ zucchini etc, se these as treats in conjunction with the other foods you provide

Like all omnivores, it a question of a balanced diet

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