Redstrats Journal

i have no idea what this is $10 (14 mouths)

porcillapora $15 (Golfballsize)

Dendro $60 (1 polyp) It was in an auction and my dad decided to buy it without me

Ric $15 (just about to split)

snails 5($1 each)
4 astrea snails and 1 conch(1/2inch long)
Nice frags. That first one is an Acanthastrea genus coral, probably echinata species... Great price for a piece that size! Dendros look great once the colony gets to be a good size. Make sure to feed it often :)
Weird. I hadn't seen this thread before but your setup is surprisingly close to what I have been in the process of getting together. Your sump looks almost identical to mine, minus an extra baffle. Was going to go with a 20 long but decided on a 29gal. Built my weir tonight and got my plumbing all ready....just need to build a stand and I'm done.

I'm gonna need about 20lbs of Live rock to add to what I have in another tank. Can I ask what you paid for yours?

One other question. Doesn't that mag 5 push a serious amount of water through a sump that small? I tested my mag 2 in my 10gal sump and it's a ton of flow. Your running roughly 16 times the total system through your sump an hour! :crazy:
Its a very low flow sump/fuge.The mag pushes about 10x the system an hour Not that high flow.

Also if you want maxs. cheato growth a high flow is ideal so that it tumbles.For pods low flow.

As for the rock.
About $9/lb, expensive but PhishyBusiness.....
1) Helped me with every question fast.
2)hand picked the rock to my specs. (size,shape)
3)Packing on the rock was extensize
4)Snails,sps,lps,red macro on the rock
If i had to i would order from them again.

Ordering a bottle of Flatworm exit. End it before they really take off.

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