Red Wolf Fish


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
London - UK
This baby -

My LFS has just stocked them in and I want one!!
Im gonna designate for now a 50Gal or so tank just for this baby, however what if any fish can I keep with this. I have read they get VERY aggressive when theyre adults, at the moment theyre juveniles at my LFS.

Any input will be much appreciated, asap too :p As theyre probably gonna go fast!
Erythrinus erythrinus are probably the smallest of the wolf fish species available and the most likely to tollerate tankmates of a kind. Despite their aggression they are not particularly hardy so they dont do well if kept with aggressive Cichlids, on the other end of the scale they will eat and/or attack anything that is smaller or the same size as themselves, the best tankmates would be large peacefull fish such as Severums, silver dollars and armoured catfish such as plecs, Doradids and larger members of the Callichthydae family (Hoplo's, Dianema etc).
one last question
would they be ok by themselves or should i keep them with other fish
which would they prefer?
one last question
would they be ok by themselves or should i keep them with other fish
which would they prefer?
The wolf fish would probably prefer some companions but I doubt the other fish would appreciate it.
I've not kept this species but the others would bite fish larger than themselves.
Can they live together or must you only keep one at a time?
I dont mind keeping only one at a time but Id prefer to do what would suit the fish best.
Definately only one wolf per tank, they are extreemly aggressive to their own kind and any similar looking fish.

For peace of mind a species tank would be best, being a fairly small species a 30x12x15" tank would be fine for a single E.erythrinus but if you dont like the empty tank look a few hardy fish that you wouldnt be heart broken to lose would be ok.

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