Red Veins On Female Keyhole's Tail


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
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I just wanted to post this here, rather than on the emergency forum, as I wanted to get people's opinion on this one.

My female keyhole has a small amount of red veins in its tail - almost like she's got quite see-through skin there.

I've read a few articles on here tracing such symptoms to Septicemia or internal bacterial infections. However, she's had this for about 4 months as far as I can tell, it hasn't spread, she's always eaten fine, and seems one of the happiest fish in the tank. From what I've read about septicemia it's a fash-moving disease and leads to death anywhere between 24hrs and a week. I don't think it's internal bacteria either, as I treated the tank with a course not long ago because one of the angels wasn't eating.

What's people's opinion on this? Think it's just see-through skin with veins close to the surface? Perhaps she had a mild case of septicemia a while ago and got better, leaving the veins behind? Is it something else?

Stats are:
Tank: 240L Juwel Rio, Eheim Pro II filter, sand substrate, rock cave, two airstones, synthetic bogwood, medium-planted.
Fish: 2x Angels, 4x Keyholes, 1x Blue Ram, 1x Bristlenose Pleco, 3x Cardinal tetra, 5x Rummynose Tetra
Stats (measured yesterday): Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40, pH 7-7.5.
Yes red veining is septicemia, the trouble with uk meds there not that strong.
What med are you using.
I would issolate the fish as the bacteria can enter the tank from the sick fish.
Really you need to be using antibiotics for septicemia which are only available in the uk through a vet.
Look under septicemia.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I find this is a good link.

You could maybe add some garlic to there flakes to give the fish immune systme a boost.
Yes red veining is septicemia, the trouble with uk meds there not that strong.
What med are you using.
I would issolate the fish as the bacteria can enter the tank from the sick fish.
Really you need to be using antibiotics for septicemia which are only available in the uk through a vet.
Look under septicemia.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I find this is a good link.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

You could maybe add some garlic to there flakes to give the fish immune systme a boost.

I used Interpet No 9 - Anti Internal Bacteria
If it's septicemia this is what I don't understand, surely after a number of months it would have killed her by now, and she seems in good shape and perfectly happy?
Is there anything I can get which is not through the vet?

Plus - every picture I've looked at concerning septicemia shows discolouration and blotchyness - these are just a few thread veins with no other discolouration
I had fancy goldfish with red veining he lasted months before he bloated up, I used the bacterial med a double dose for a while and it did nothing.
Is the fish still going to the toilet, what colour is it.
I had fancy goldfish with red veining he lasted months before he bloated up, I used the bacterial med a double dose for a while and it did nothing.
Is the fish still going to the toilet, what colour is it.

Yup, she goes fine. It's usually a light red colour - like all the other sinking food-feeding fish.
Is it the same colour as there flakes or pellets.
Do you feed blood worms.
Is it the same colour as there flakes or pellets.
Do you feed blood worms.

Yes, the sinking pellets are identical coloured. I do feed packeted bloodworm probably only once a month though - it's the kind that's in a sachet with gloopy stuff (nutrientpacked or something).
That fine then.
I would get some garlic and squeeze the juice out and soak flakes in the garlic it will boost the sick fish immune system, all your fish will benefit by it.
Then try the bacterial med again, can you issolate the sick fish.
That fine then.
I would get some garlic and squeeze the juice out and soak flakes in the garlic it will boost the sick fish immune system, all your fish will benefit by it.
Then try the bacterial med again, can you issolate the sick fish.

Ok I'll give it a go. How many cloves would you recommend per feed? I've done this before with one clove.
Do you really think I should use the bacterial med - is this fish definitely sick?
Unfortunately I cannot isolate her as we do not have a hospital tank. It's still on our 'to get' list.
Thanks Wilder
You only need abit of the juice to soak the flakes in.
Red streaking can be due to poor water quality, but yours is good and so was mine.
How long exactly as the red veining been there.
You only need abit of the juice to soak the flakes in.
Red streaking can be due to poor water quality, but yours is good and so was mine.
How long exactly as the red veining been there.

Really for as long as I can remember (at least when she'd grown enough to be able to see it). At least 4 months, maybe more.
From the beginning I've always made water quality the upmost priority.
If she fine I wouldn't bother with the med then.
Just try the garlic for now.
Good luck bless her.

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