Red Tailed Shark

Yes corys are totally fine with my rts. They are basically friends!

I looked up the cherry shrimp and I like them alot! They look like nice little critters.

Could this work?

1 red tailed shark
5 corys
1 rubber nose pleco
5 cherry shrimp
3 rainbow fish
6 neon tetras
Yes corys are totally fine with my rts. They are basically friends!

I looked up the cherry shrimp and I like them alot! They look like nice little critters.

Could this work?

1 red tailed shark
5 corys
1 rubber nose pleco
5 cherry shrimp
3 rainbow fish
6 neon tetras

That stocking sounds great, although i would go for more rainbow fish if they turn out to be suitable for the tank (these could still be out of the picture if they are sub-tropical fish, the tank would be too warm for them).
Well I think they are tropical so this is the stocking.

1 red tailed shark
1 rubber nose pleco
6 neon tetras
5 corydoras
5 cherry shrimp
5 rainbow fish
3 yoyo loaches

This is my favorite stocking that I have ever had. This is going to be nice.
My Rtbs absolutely loves to bully my Bronze cories, the cories have learnt to tolerate this but still you will need provide them with places of refuge. Also I had to save my Rtbs from my yo yo's as they were giving it a real whooping + I think you'll loose a lot of your cherry shrimp to the yo yo's. The thing with Rtbs is just because they show no aggression to one fish at any time doesn't mean they wont in the future, they become more cantankerous with age.
My Rtbs absolutely loves to bully my Bronze cories, the cories have learnt to tolerate this but still you will need provide them with places of refuge. Also I had to save my Rtbs from my yo yo's as they were giving it a real whooping + I think you'll loose a lot of your cherry shrimp to the yo yo's. The thing with Rtbs is just because they show no aggression to one fish at any time doesn't mean they wont in the future, they become more cantankerous with age.

Well mine grew up with my corys. They are one of the only fish he doesnt bully. They are best friends. Dont worry they will be fine. :)

dwarf gouramies would get on fine with the rtbs

My rts LOVES to bully my poor dwarf gouramis. That is one reason why I am rehoming him. He chases them around and bites at them. The poor little things! :(
Well I think they are tropical so this is the stocking.

1 red tailed shark
1 rubber nose pleco
6 neon tetras
5 corydoras
5 cherry shrimp
5 rainbow fish
3 yoyo loaches

This is my favorite stocking that I have ever had. This is going to be nice.

I am going to change my own stocking idea. I am getting read of the neon tetra idea so I can add something.

1 red tailed shark
1 rubber nose pleco
5 corydoras
5 cherry shrimp
5 rainbow shrimp
5 yoyo loaches
1 angel fish?

Well I think they are tropical so this is the stocking.

1 red tailed shark
1 rubber nose pleco
6 neon tetras
5 corydoras
5 cherry shrimp
5 rainbow fish
3 yoyo loaches

This is my favorite stocking that I have ever had. This is going to be nice.

I am going to change my own stocking idea. I am getting read of the neon tetra idea so I can add something.

1 red tailed shark
1 rubber nose pleco
5 corydoras
5 cherry shrimp
5 rainbow shrimp
5 yoyo loaches
1 angel fish?


I wouldn't go for an angel fish as they tend to be quite territorial and will probably need a much larger tank than yours (it must be at least 2ft high as they are very "tall" fish). Personally i would just stick to the shrimp and cories, if you have yoyo loaches the bottom of the tank will be very crowded with so many bottom dwelling fish and critters which could be a problem as a tank your size does not really offer a great deal of bottom surface area for them to dwell on.
You should bulk up a bit on planting and create some caves (driftwood and bogwood is really good for this- my RTS loves the cave network i made for him out of wood) as both the shrimp and the RTS will feel a lot more secure with some hiding places :good: .
Yes this will be my first ever planted tank. I am looking forward to it. I am also planing on getting bog wood too.

So too keep it so it isnt over stocked here is the plan so far.

5 rainbow fish
5 corydoras
1 rts
1 rubber nose pleco
5 cherry shrimp

What could I add to that? Could I get eels? Or a pair of rams? I am looking for fish that I have never had. :) I heard the minimum size tank is a 29 gallon for a angel fish.
Why don't you go for a small group (around 6 or more) of shoaling fish like neon tetra's with their brilliant colouring, or harlequin tetras with their unusual patterning? Neon or cardinal tetra's would be a way to add lots of colour to the tank without upsetting the RTS :thumbs: .
What kind of Rainbowfish are you getting? has a good selection. I'm not saying you have to buy from there, I just think it's a good site to see all of the options, as they sell a lot of fish.
Guess what!!! I am getting the free 30 gallon soon! I am so happy. My friend is giving it to me. She used to house her gerbil in it but got it a new cage so has no use for it. She got a new 20 gallon tank last year, and her mom doesnt want another tank so... I am getting it!!! Compared to getting one for 80 bucks without the cover and lighting from my lfs, this is a steal! Even though it is used. But really who cares! You can probably tell I am excited!
my shark nipped s at my angel often when it was scouring the bottom for food...even tho they have been in there since the tank was first set up...he is a bit of a nasty pasty and the yo yo loaches try to swim with him which sometimes he likes and will play, and sometimeshe dosnt and chases them round the tank but just for a min or 2... yeh lots of things try to shoal withhim andhesimply will not tolerate them, however, mine plays nice with my cories, loatches (most times) and my tetras... for now :unsure:

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