Red Tailed Shark


Oct 5, 2005
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Edmonton , Canada
Sorry I hope I am in the correct area.

I want to get a red tailed shark for my 55g, but I have heard mixed reports regarding their aggressiveness. I have 11 rummy nose tetras and they are my concern. Can I get one when the rummies are full grown?
we have an rtbs in a 50 gal tank at the moment (have a 170 gal for him, but need to find a house to house the tnak first.. second floor flat + big heavy tank = downstairs neighbours enjoying our tank rather than us!), he has been in there for about 6 months, maybe a little longer. he is still pretty small, only about 2.5 inches. we don't have any problems with him, alhtough he does sometimes get a little territorial when the bala sharks come near his domain, however they outswim him no problem, so he's given up pretty much now. we also have tetras, platinum, black neon, and neons, and there is no problem what so ever with these guys, in fact i don't think i have even noticed them noticing each other to be honest!!

so in my opinion your rummy noses would be fine. however i'm not sure what size tank a full grown rtbs will need, but that is easy enough to find out!

good luck

kat :D
a 55 gal is plenty of room for a RTBS and you should have no problem with your tetra's. RTBS are fairly aggressive but normally to their own kind or similar looking fish (like Bala's).
RTBS grow to 6inchs long, i have a 5inch one myself, 30gals is the minimum tank size for a single RTBS, RTBS have to be kept with no other shark type fish or shark look a like fish let alone their own kind as they are very terotorial/agressive towards anything that looks like them. RTBS have a tendancy to get agressive when they mature particualy if they are in a small tank, its difficult to say what type of fish they go for as some will try to attack everything while others may just go for a fish that looks slightly like it etc. Generally though they leave alone small tetras, corys and plecs and im sure the barbs shouldn't be a problem.
You need to provide alot of planting and decor/cover for the shark as they like to spend alot of their time guarding a cave or sheltered area, if you give your shark lots of space and cover im sure it will be fine as you have quite a spacious tank :thumbs: .
RTBSs are individuals, some are terrors, some are peaceful community fish.

The key (IMO) to ensuring the fish is as peaceful as it can be, is providing the right environment (30G minimum with plenty of caves / shelter) and getting to know it's personality. You only really get to see what your fish is like once it grows around 3"+ and starts to mature so between now and then, be careful what you add to the tank with it. A 55 is a very good size, no need to move it to the 170 unless you really want to.

In terms of what you can keep it with once mature, some can't be kept with anything shark shaped. Mine however shares a tank with 2 SAEs (virtually identical shape) with no aggession what so ever. I wouldn't recommend trying this until you really know your fish though and certainly don't add more that one RTBS.
Sorry I hope I am in the correct area.

I want to get a red tailed shark for my 55g, but I have heard mixed reports regarding their aggressiveness. I have 11 rummy nose tetras and they are my concern. Can I get one when the rummies are full grown?
I should add that do have some "torpedo" shaped fish in the tank:
-4 "tiger rasboras"
-5 Denisons Barbs (barbus denisonii or punits denisonii - spelling could be wrong)

These fish are somewhat "shark" shaped, any concerns? I suspect they are all fast enough to avoid trouble.

Also, I have a system of "caves" created by bog wood, my clown plec "guards" it , will this work out with the red tail black shark? Perhaps created a few more caves is a good idea.....?
i cant comment on the rasboras, but have a large shoal of tiger barbs in a 55 with a rtbs - he does tend to get grouchy and go after the barbs quite a bit, but because there are quite a few he cant seem to keep focussed on a single one long enough to do any damage. in fact, i suspect that the barbs might even do a bit of shark-baiting in the knowledge that theres safety in numbers :D In terms of similar shaped fish, i have 3 small clown loach, the largest of which is about the same size as the shark. He pretty much ignores them, except for when the largest clown loach shadows his every move - this drives him nuts but he cant shake the clown off however hard he tries!!
i cant comment on the rasboras, but have a large shoal of tiger barbs in a 55 with a rtbs - he does tend to get grouchy and go after the barbs quite a bit, but because there are quite a few he cant seem to keep focussed on a single one long enough to do any damage. in fact, i suspect that the barbs might even do a bit of shark-baiting in the knowledge that theres safety in numbers :D In terms of similar shaped fish, i have 3 small clown loach, the largest of which is about the same size as the shark. He pretty much ignores them, except for when the largest clown loach shadows his every move - this drives him nuts but he cant shake the clown off however hard he tries!!
Hmmmm, I have to be honest , I am as confused as when I first asked the question. I am concerned about my "torpedo" shaped fish with the red tail black shark. (5 Denisons barbs, 4 tiger rasboras).

I do understand that each fish has its own personality and noone can tell me for certain that the RTBS wont harm other fish in the tank; I do need to decide if I should add one RTBS to my 55g though.

How fast are RTBS? my fish of concern, 5 Denisons barbs, 4 tiger rasboras, are quite fast and perhaps that would help them stay away from any trouble? But I dont want fish that are stressed from running away from the shark all the time.

I think I will get one RTBS and if I have probelms I:
1)take him back to the store
2)have an excuse for another tank!!!!yay!!!!
How fast are RTBS? my fish of concern, 5 Denisons barbs, 4 tiger rasboras, are quite fast and perhaps that would help them stay away from any trouble? But I dont want fish that are stressed from running away from the shark all the time.

Well you sort of answered your own question there,,, the point isn't how fast they are, it's will they stress the other fish. Personally I would add a RTBS to the tank. The fish in question aren't shark shaped and will probably not be seen as a threat.
How fast are RTBS? my fish of concern, 5 Denisons barbs, 4 tiger rasboras, are quite fast and perhaps that would help them stay away from any trouble? But I dont want fish that are stressed from running away from the shark all the time.

Well you sort of answered your own question there,,, the point isn't how fast they are, it's will they stress the other fish. Personally I would add a RTBS to the tank. The fish in question aren't shark shaped and will probably not be seen as a threat.
Thanks, that is what I wanted to know. I really didnt know if "torpedo" shaped fish are also "shark" shaped; but with you comment , and a little more thought, I realize that sharks do look quite different. One thing I relized, all sharks I can think of are flat on the bottom. I am going to get a RTBS now.....this minute

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