red tailed catfish/ tiger shovel nose


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
I saw an interesting picture on my work mates phone the other day, at the other store of the fish shop i work in at a lady had brought in a large catfish that she claimed to be a cross between a red tailed catfish and tiger shovel nose catfish.

the fish looked great from the small picture i saw, it had the same kind of colouring as a red tail but with some stripes in there and had a long shovel nose.

Apparently being the stingy boss he is he wacked a price tag on it for £295 and sold it.
Yep sadly there are a few of these large hybrid catfish around, the TSN and RTC cross is probably the most common, personally I don't agree with it. Theres enough large catfish species around, alot of them inappropriatly housed so why add to the list. Giving an RTC a TSN's mouth is abit of scary prospect to.
The RTCxTSN hybrid was originally engineered to provide a fast growing large food fish that could easily be raised in dirt ponds to feed poverty stricken natives in poor South American countries. Unfortunately a few of these fish have escaped the dinner table and have found themselves in circulation in the aquatics hobby and are usually sold cheaply enough to encourage people who have no capability to house the fish to buy them. As Ryan said there are already enough redtails and tiger shovelnoses not to mention several other species of huge catfish already in circulation that no one can care for properly.
Oh dear. What would there final length be? around 4'??

it is a beutiful fish but it's a pitty about the types of owners.

I was a bit annoyed at the guy at work when he put a RTC on the order list as he knows they sell :no: yet i doubt no one can really catter for it's complete life.

there was a dealer come in on monday (work mate told me after he left) and he's loaded and has a 2ft arowana, i was asked to net 12 goldfish thinking there food but he's starting a 6ft tank for his daughter!! :eek: now thats a guy that could probabe take care of one.

we currently have a tiger shovel nose in stock at work tagged up for £35. luckily its quite shy so u can't even see it really probable putting alot of people off.
No one really knows how big the hybrids will grow to as no one has ever grown one to adulthood yet, but you can be certain it will grow at least as large as its parents which both grow to 4 feet plus and maybe bigger.
These Hybrids, for avoidance, are generally called yellow tail or marble tail catfish.
Truly beautiful for the correct owners.
One of the only catfish that grows at a greater rate than an RTC!! This means that the 18 month to 2 year syndrome of people buying RTC`s and re housing them is greatly reduced with these fish and they out grow their tanks much quicker.

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