Red-Tailed Black Shark

Just to add and poach the thread - I've wanted one of these for quite a while but never quite dared due to my keyhole cichlids. Would they be ok with a red tail shark or would he get all hissy on them?
I ended up getting one and so far he seems to be a good algae nibbler. Seems such a noob fish too :lol:
It will be for my new tank, which will be between 45-60 gallon. I went and looked at some stuff in my LFS today, and they were going for like £4.

James :good:
I have a 4" in an 8ft tank, in large tanks it is possible to keep more than one, but I would not do it in tanks smaller than 600l or so. They constantly graze algae so they must contribute to the control of certain forms. They also have longer intestines than the Siamese Algae Eater and so can digest more, BUT the SAE trumps all over the RTBS principly because as long as your tank is large enough you can keep many more SAE than RTB.
I've always found ruby sharks, normal ones or albino, to be slightly less aggressive and territorial than the red-tail black shark.
Just got myself 1 of these, pretty small at the minute but his colours are quite dull, will that change with age?
Just got myself 1 of these, pretty small at the minute but his colours are quite dull, will that change with age?
If he is still new he needs to adjust and then should color up fine. BUT I have a question for all. I have one about 4" redtail shark in a 125 gal tank. He has been picking on two Australian Rainbowfish so badly I had to remove them. And they are twice his size. Yet he leaves smaller fish alone. I am wondering if I removed the wrong fish. LOL Anyhow, I have read and read about more than one redtail in a tank is WW3. Is this a fight to the damage or death or just sparing? I kept thinking if there were two in the large tank they would bother each other and not the other fish. The tank has tons of hiding places and goodly amount of plants. Thanx Karen Campbell
Just in case anyone is interested, apparently this is what an albino red tail looks like:


As for keeping multiples in a tank - their fighting can be minimal or it can be a bloodbath. You won't know how serious they'll get until you have a wounded or dead fish. Don't risk it - if your RTBS is not compatible with your stock, try new hiding places and more dense vegetation but ultimately be willing to rehome.
Thats pretty awesome. I have a red tail now, and it's really cool!


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