Chuck, Leader Of Ze People.
Got a red-tail now.
I really like them, how much are they in GBP? And how common are they in fish stores?
Also i see the IUCN deems them extinct in the wild, so i guess they are pretty expensive?
Thanks, James
(its to go in my new tank, when i get it)
i know someone earlier suggested how big a tank they should have. Does something around 220-240 Litre sound good?
Yeh they are pretty widely available and cheap. Nice fish though as said they dont do well with their own kind unless in larger tanks and I also found they would squabble with similar fish (had one constantly fight with a SAE).
i just got a juvi albino rtbs for £2.50
really wow o well i thought rainbow sharks have 2 red fin and rtbs have 1 and mine just has one red fin.
learn new things everyday
i just got a juvi albino rtbs for £2.50
that would be a Rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) albino. the "albeno" version of an RTBS, has a blue tail, but a black body (so, not really albino. but the closest to it)!RTBS are (Labeo Bicolor)