Red-Tailed Black Shark

I really like them, how much are they in GBP? And how common are they in fish stores?

Also i see the IUCN deems them extinct in the wild, so i guess they are pretty expensive?

Thanks, James :good:

(its to go in my new tank, when i get it)

usually fro £3-10. but, though EW in the red book. there seem to be plenty in the hobby.
thing is they need big tanks (50ukg) though some have success keeping them in 40ukg. they are not a big fish (6-7 inches max). but they need room, to swim, and territory.
Yeah your looking at £2.50-£3 for a juvi and then no more than £10 for a fully grown specimen,
They can usually be found in more or less every LFS, as they are farmed heavily in the far east,
Remember though it is one per tank, anymore and you will have WW3 on your hands once they mature.
Yeh they are pretty widely available and cheap. Nice fish though as said they dont do well with their own kind unless in larger tanks and I also found they would squabble with similar fish (had one constantly fight with a SAE).

Btw not to hijack or anything but I seem to remember them being quite good for eating algae, do you think they would eat hair/BBA?
Yeah they are usually good algae eaters but couldn't say if they would eat hair algae,
True SAE's are said to be the best for eating that.
I did a bit of reading up on them in a couple of books i own.

& i know someone earlier suggested how big a tank they should have. Does something around 220-240 Litre sound good?

(Never mind what i wrote here, it was for the wrong thread)
i know someone earlier suggested how big a tank they should have. Does something around 220-240 Litre sound good?

Yes aim for 50USG+ as a minimum but the further past 200L you go the better really
Yeh they are pretty widely available and cheap. Nice fish though as said they dont do well with their own kind unless in larger tanks and I also found they would squabble with similar fish (had one constantly fight with a SAE).

They also tend to fight with Flying Foxes so don't keep the two together unless you've a big tank and lots of hiding places.
i just got a juvi albino rtbs for £2.50

that would be a Rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) albino. the "albeno" version of an RTBS, has a blue tail, but a black body (so, not really albino. but the closest to it)! :blink: RTBS are (Labeo Bicolor)
really wow o well i thought rainbow sharks have 2 red fin and rtbs have 1 and mine just has one red fin.

learn new things everyday
really wow o well i thought rainbow sharks have 2 red fin and rtbs have 1 and mine just has one red fin.

learn new things everyday

you got a picture of that? not doubting you, just i have had many , albino RTBS comments. all turned out to be Rainbows, is all.

and, i made a error, its Epalzeorhynchus frenatum for the rainbow.
i just got a juvi albino rtbs for £2.50

that would be a Rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) albino. the "albeno" version of an RTBS, has a blue tail, but a black body (so, not really albino. but the closest to it)! :blink: RTBS are (Labeo Bicolor)

My googling skills must be failing me, I can't find a pic to match that colouring :huh:

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