red tail catfish name Buttercup


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
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Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
I was in North Georgia the other day and stopped in a fish store and I had heard about just to check them out. In a giant display tank was a very large red tail catfish named Buttercup. :blink: The woman that runs the store is very attached to Buttercup and I guess the feeling is mutual. When the woman walks over to the tank, Buttercup hurries over and goes up and down the glass. If the woman kisses the glass, Buttercup goes nuts and presses her face to the glass too. Very cute. Buttercup is a poster child for why not to buy a redtail if you don't have a big tank or plan to get one in the near future. She is HUGE! :S

Her tank mates are a Rhino Pleco, another poster child for not getting fish that are going to get really big if you don't have space, a huge common plec, a Green Terror (now minus an eye from an encounter with Buttercup) and an Oscar. The Oscar and Buttercup hang together, but the Terror hangs at the top of one side of the tank with its good eye down. If it were my tank and my fish, the Terror would find a tank of its own. Not much aggression going on, but obviously some or the Terror would still have his eye. Seems the tank is in the 200g+ range.

I don't want any huge fish like that, but have to admit that Buttercup is awefully cute and friendly. :wub: She got her own 13th birthday party last week complete with an ad in the local paper. Sheesh. :rolleyes:
An LFS near me has a huge red tail catfish for sale. Its tankmates were a giant gourami and and african lung fish I think? The tank was probably about 300 gallons.
:wub i love RTC i have a baby one and he's such a character, only if he knew how much money were spending building him a tropical pond so he can grow big and healthy and also happy !

I would SO love a red-tailed catfish but won't get one unless I know that I already have a tank big enough for him to grow into and love in forever, and ever, and ever!!!!!!!
I just can't afford that right now. Need to find a place that costs £100 total with a swimming pool I can turn into a large aquarium!!!!! Then I can have two!!
I currently live in a school that has a swimming you think they'd mind!?!?!
I saw a pair of red tailed cats today. In a store,in a normal sized tank.

Also in the store were some dragon puffers, and the substrate they used was gravel, and they were in (a pair) with mollies and guppies and yoyo loaches.

It made me sad.
If that red tail is living with an oscar I'd say he isn't fully grown. I'm assuming he's in a large enough tank (minimum should be around 12 feet long and 5 feet front to back as 3.5 to 4 feet is not unseen with this fish).

A fully grown red tail will happily munch an oscar, and would probably take a common plec too. But they are fantastic beasts. Once I'm out of this flat and have a house I'm going for a red-tail shoal (around 3).
actually RTC are quite peacefull to fish that are large enough its only a problem if there smaller, i have a RTCxTSH who lived happily with m'buna mouthbrooders, till he got to 10" and then he started eyeing them up so now lives alone.

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