Red Star In The Morning

Such stunning and amazing group of birds you got there!! My aviary contains a pair of pin-tailed whyda, zebra finches, orange bishop, crimson rumped waxbills. If anyone is interested i'll show you some pics of My Aviary birds.... But of course the pics won't be as awesome as baccus's :good: :nod:
Thank you everyone for your kind words about my photographs, seems I can't photograph a fish tank but birds I can :lol: .

M.R. Otter I would love to see your orange Bishops, I know red bishops are in Australia (just not commonly kept) and in their breeding gala are beautiful with their red and black. Which type of Zebra finch do you have? The wild form? Fawn, White, pied, or my personal favourite the black faced? I don't know if I have seen a pin tailed whyda before (possibly I have alot of bird keeping magazines), so it would be great to see them and possibly jog my memory.

Hopefully more photos of my birds to follow later today.
Some new pictures


Silver King Quail hen and two normal hens, with pied hen Cordon Bleu and a blurred female ruddy.


Pied hen Cordon bleu with her back to the camera, male and female red stars and a female ruddy all enjoying some grass heads.

Male red cheeked cordon bleu, and a partly hidden female cuban


Male red cheeked cordon bleu sitting on the water bowl, male black faced finch drinking, red star bottom left corner and female ruddy also drinking


Lets play spot the cordon bleus :lol: .


Starting from bototm left, male black faced finch, male red cheeked cordon bleu, male strawberry finch, two female red stars and a hen Ruddy.


Not the best picture but a male Ruddy.
They seem to enjoy it :nod: , they have branches all over the place and gradually I am getting more plants established in their aviary (they eat almost anything new down to a stump in seconds), the only draw back to having the grassses growing in the avairy is the quail nesting under the clumps. Yesterday I almost stood on a female nesting quail that would not budge from her nest and was blending in far to well.
Here's the guilty hen now.


I of course had to zoom in for the photo otherwise all that would have been visable was grass and some streaks of brown, its only a new nest and thats why I didn't know where it was, the other hens nests I already knew about.

And the same hen again.


Red cheeked cordon bleus an da male Ruddy trying to blend in with them :lol: .


Male Ruddy, I still need to get a closer photography of him to show of the fine speckling of white spots he has either side of his body.
Thanks Better is Betta, I have been annoying the birds all week trying to get good clear shots of them.

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