Red Spot On Gourami


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Oh dear i need help!

today i have noticed that my dwarf gourami has a red spot on one side of its body and a small lump that looks like an ulser on the other side? some of my other inhabitants ( mainly tetras) have now got what looks like a white film and some corrosion on ther fins!! Are they cathing an infection from the gourami and how do i treat this?

tank size

15 gallons
2 rena filters
fully cycled


1 otto
1 dwarf gourami
6 neon tetra
5 glowlight tetra
5 rummy nose tetra

water stats

posting at work so will do water test later and post results.

never had a rise of ammonia or nitrite and nitrates are usually around 20-40ppm
ph 7.2-7.6
do not know KH or GH. still need to buy a kit, local fish shop has told me that the water in coventry is hard though! could this be a problem?

All fish seem fine, even the gourami just acting as normal. I have no other tank so can not put the gourami in a hospital tank. I have allready lost one gourami to what people on this forum belived to be a baterial infection. Could the other gourami have caught this infection?

please help i really dont want to lose anymore fish :-(
I have lost a few dwarf gouramies to this over the yrs and it seems to be species specific.Try maracyn or maracyn two. The rest of your fish could have ich and fin rot. Use nox-ich for three days.Then use maracyn in case the fish get fungus and it will also help with the fin rot.
ya, every now and athen my gourami shows up with a piece missing or a red spot, i just add salt and he helas up fine.
here are my water test reults

nitrite= 0ppm

ammonia= 0ppm

ph= 7.6

nitrate = 10-20ppm

so the water looks fine to me!! how do i treat with salt? and what about the possible fin rot on the tetras?

thanks for the help
Its bacterial and gouramis are prone to bacterial infection, what your location for a med.
Ulcers are pink or red with a circling of white dead skin around the edges.
not too sure about the ulser then but has deffinatley got bacterial infection! What do you mean my location for the med? i dont have a hospital tank so the med will have to go in the main tank with the other fish!

What about the signs of fin rot on some of the tetras?

can you recomend some meds?

thanks wilder :good:
Location as in which country do you live in.
Finrot is bacterial as well.
Myxazin by waterlife, or anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
thanks i will deffinatley give that a try!

one more question though, will fins that have been corroded with fin rot grow back eventually?

thanks wilder

i bought some anti internal bacteria by interpet as my lfs did not have the other one. I also bought some aqurium salt as the guy at the lfs said this would also help. I added the med today with the correct dose for my size of tank but the instructions are a bit crappy do i add again in 4 days? and then again in seven?


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