Red Sevrum Has Developed A Cough

I have a blood parrot that looked like he was coughing.. did it about 8 times.. seems she liked to put big rocks in her mouth and could not get them out.. I've had to net her 9 times to put her on a clean table and remove the rock myself.

But you stated you already looked in their mouth and if he is eating then that would indicate nothing in the mouth
Done on search and fish do cough but dosn't say why.
Keep us updated on his progress bless him.
1st June. A thought occurred to me on Saturday: As his swim bladder problem causes him to lie on the bottom most of the time, could tiny particles of sand be impairing his gill movement now that he's bigger and his weight causes him to sink slightly into the sand creating a dip all round him? I've moved him to a gravel tank, and I do believe it's the solution. Maybe he'll be OK for a year or so more after all. So relieved! Thanks again ... ever so.
Glad he's ok.

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