Red Robbin Gouramies


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2007
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hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!
Hi Lawrie,

Male gouramis are agressive toward other male Gouramis and Females are agressive towards other female gouramis. Gouramis are like Bettas except that they are different in appearence and they both breath from there Labyrinth.

Make sure the tank has plenty of plants and hiding places.

Second, Good tankmates for Gouramis are: Larger live bearers, Danios, Rainbowfish, Barbs, Some more passive Cichlids, Loaches, Plecos and Scavenger Catfish.

How big is your tank? This is important if your planning on adding other fish. You want plenty of room for them to swim around in. They do need space in the tank to establish there territories. If there isn't enough space in the tank...fights will break out.

Ease of breeding them.....,You might want to check out these posts for breeding gouramis:
hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!

Maybe you can post some pictures as the LFS give different fancy names for different colour morphs of different species. Different gouramis get along with each other as long as you procure they have enough space to lay out their territory. Each fish needs about 10 gallon (35 litres) to be happy. So how big is your tank? And do you know whether you have males and females, and in which ratio?

Gouramis get along with many other fish, only mollies seem to have a disliking for gouramis.
hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!

Maybe you can post some pictures as the LFS give different fancy names for different colour morphs of different species. Different gouramis get along with each other as long as you procure they have enough space to lay out their territory. Each fish needs about 10 gallon (35 litres) to be happy. So how big is your tank? And do you know whether you have males and females, and in which ratio?

Gouramis get along with many other fish, only mollies seem to have a disliking for gouramis.

the tank is a 50 gallon. im pretty sure i have 3 females 1 male, but not positive! the tank is heavily planted with lots of hiding places. i will try to get some pics on soon.
hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!

Maybe you can post some pictures as the LFS give different fancy names for different colour morphs of different species. Different gouramis get along with each other as long as you procure they have enough space to lay out their territory. Each fish needs about 10 gallon (35 litres) to be happy. So how big is your tank? And do you know whether you have males and females, and in which ratio?

Gouramis get along with many other fish, only mollies seem to have a disliking for gouramis.

the tank is a 50 gallon. im pretty sure i have 3 females 1 male, but not positive! the tank is heavily planted with lots of hiding places. i will try to get some pics on soon.

i have tried putting pics on but the image size is too big.

i will try to explain what they look like...they are red, they have a whitish patch round their gill area, and darker red fins. thatys the best i can explain them to you.
hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!

Maybe you can post some pictures as the LFS give different fancy names for different colour morphs of different species. Different gouramis get along with each other as long as you procure they have enough space to lay out their territory. Each fish needs about 10 gallon (35 litres) to be happy. So how big is your tank? And do you know whether you have males and females, and in which ratio?

Gouramis get along with many other fish, only mollies seem to have a disliking for gouramis.

According to PFK, the red robin gourami is just a color form of the dwarf gourami, Colisa lalia.

hi there, i have 4 red robbin gouramies and was wondering if its easy to breed them or not? its only the 4 of them in the tank.
also, do they get on with other types of gouramies? if not, whats best to keep with them? if anything?

thank you for your time!

Maybe you can post some pictures as the LFS give different fancy names for different colour morphs of different species. Different gouramis get along with each other as long as you procure they have enough space to lay out their territory. Each fish needs about 10 gallon (35 litres) to be happy. So how big is your tank? And do you know whether you have males and females, and in which ratio?

Gouramis get along with many other fish, only mollies seem to have a disliking for gouramis.

According to PFK, the red robin gourami is just a color form of the dwarf gourami, Colisa lalia.


i would say it was just a dwarf red gourami.
The 50 gallon is big enough. If you want to breed them though, don't put anything else in just yet. In a community tank it will be much more difficult for the fry to survive. I think there exist some threads for gourami breeding in here. Maybe you could use the search function. For the pictures: maybe you can put in link; you could use photobucket for that.
it does a bit, but the dorsal fin isnt as red. and the tail fin is like a grew/black.

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