Red Phantom Tetras......... Would My Tank Be Ok ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
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Evening guys.
I have a 60ltr tank below and in it are :-
3 female platys
3 guppies
5 black neons
2 otos
Just been to another lfs and been tempted by many,many fish.I really fancy either rummy nose or red phantom tetras to add to my tank,but has anyone any views concerning these species or problems I may have as a result of adding any to my set up ?

Also,could I have say three of one kind or the other as I've been reading allsorts on the net and some say they are fine in either pairs or groups,but some sites say they are best in shoals of 6 or more !Whom do I believe ?

Any help would be great.
Thank you.
Malfie ...

Almost without exception, the community tetras are shoaling fish best kept in groups of at least 6 fish.
Thank you.
The more I look at my tank the more I feel It's at full capacity.
I don't want the tank to look overcrowded and it already tires me out just watching !

Thank you for your help.
I so want another tank already. :drool:


I love the look of your tank, you have used the space really well IMHO. What about wacking a a few shrimp in, they won't make the tank look more busy but will wonder out and suprise you from time to time, and they are good little cleaners.
Thanks for the idea Laurence. Shrimps look cool,but I haven't seen them in any of the lfs's I have been to in my area.

I think I was a litttle hasty in my thoughts of my tank being overstocked;when I made the comment it was just after the lights came on and only just after feeding !
Watched the tank for ages last night and at some points it looked almost empty as they were all amongst the plants doing their own thing.

Yey,I can get just a few more fish.

Also thank you for your praise of my tank;must admit it didn't look like it does now at the start ! I'm really into garden design so the plants/planting was and is as important as the fish.

Malfie :rolleyes:

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