Red Nose Shrimp Breeding


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2009
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I've had two red nose shrimp for around a year now, maybe a little longer. A while I noticed that one of them had what must've been eggs hanging off it, and lo and behold I've just seen a few survivors in the tank, a couple of cm long.

Never expected these to breed as I understood they needed slightly brackish conditions and a lower ph. I have a freshwater setup and a ph of 7.5-8.

I've never seen eggs on them before and was wondering if something might've prompted this, but I can't think what. I'm used to my cherrys breeding without help but I'm now wondering whether or not to set the red noses up in their own breeding tank to save them from the fish - they're never in my LFSs and near on impossible to get around here, so I might be able to sell them to them. I ordered these two online, not exactly cheaply either. Any point persuing this, do you think?
I've had two red nose shrimp for around a year now, maybe a little longer. A while I noticed that one of them had what must've been eggs hanging off it, and lo and behold I've just seen a few survivors in the tank, a couple of cm long.

Never expected these to breed as I understood they needed slightly brackish conditions and a lower ph. I have a freshwater setup and a ph of 7.5-8.

I've never seen eggs on them before and was wondering if something might've prompted this, but I can't think what. I'm used to my cherrys breeding without help but I'm now wondering whether or not to set the red noses up in their own breeding tank to save them from the fish - they're never in my LFSs and near on impossible to get around here, so I might be able to sell them to them. I ordered these two online, not exactly cheaply either. Any point persuing this, do you think?

Yes! You will have no problem selling them as they are not that common. If you are getting them to breed(yes, allegedly, they need brackish to grow to adulthood) then that's brilliant and I wish you the best of luck!! Post some pics of them when you get a chance!
Guess I better get in there quick in the morning and scoop them out before the rams eat them all :crazy: thanks!

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