Red looking rash


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2002
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4 days ago my kitten knocked the power cord to my filter out of the power outlet,shutting off the filter to my daughters fish tank. I am not sure for how long it was unplugged,but when i got back from town, all her fish was at the top of the water gasping for air. I quickly plugged the filter back in and did a quick 25% water change to get oxygen back in the tank asap. Anyhow, my concern is her 2 tinfoil barbs. They now have a bloody looking rash on there bodies since this occured. Looks like there blood raised to the surface of there skin and scales. they are doing fine and eat fine but they look awful. They are about 8 inches long and we have had them about a year now.All my nitrates and ph is fine. Just wondering why this may have happened and what it is.
Any ideas?
I will post a picture of them under aquarium post!
I uploaded 3 pics. They are huge so sorry about that. They also looked clear and good till i uploaded them. Not sure how to make them smaller,so sorry bout that too :blink:

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