Red Line Torpedo Barb

Nothing yet as you need to cycle your tank fishless (read the link in my signature) before you add any fish at all. I see you don't have the tank yet so you still have time to look into how you are going to fishless cycle (as there are a handful of different methods) and gather all your equipment together. thinking about stocking is fine but make sure you have the basics down first. As for what would work, torpedo barbs are relatively peaceful fish but I would nto put them with angels because they'd be competing for space. What other kinds of fish do you like and how many of the torpedos were you hoping to keep? Also, this should, realy, have been posted in the cyprinids section (or the new world cichlids section even).
i dont known what else i was going to put with them
the post is opened to anyone

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Yes, I can see you don't know what else but do you not have ANY idea of what fish you'd like. I mean, do you want aggressive fish, peaceful fish, a community set-up, cichlids, lots of colorful fish, active fish, large fish, small fish, unusual fish, a mixture of different large and small species, an oddball tank, a heavily planted tank,a river-type tank, a biotope tank etc... You need to give us SOMETHING to work with - there's just too many options.

If you want a completely random suggestion, I'd get some dwarf neon rainbowfish, some keyhole cichlids or kibs/pulcher or bolivian rams and a trio of moonlight gouramies.
My red lines get on with absolutely everything, no problem. Have a look in my sig and see if there is anything you like.
Red line Torpedos, aka Roseline Sharks, should be kept in a group of 3 or more seeing how they are a schooling fish...just thought i should pipe in and say that. I like the idea of the neon rainbows, aka preacox rainbows, cool fish, iradescent blue throughout the body, and then the fins are either red or yellow. then maybe some blue rams, or bolivian rams, or keyholes. lots of choices would work nicely. but you need to cycle that tank either fishless or not, but it needs to be done or you will kill everything.
Seeing as you've mentioned it plecoguy, being schooling fish and somewhat like tiger barbs in nature, a group of 3 isn't realy enough; 6 or more is reccomended. In a small group they'll pick on each other constantly. If alone, they become nervous and stressed. If you keep them in a larger group, they aren't stressed, peaceful and won't hurt each other or their tankmates.
i had a group of fighting or bullying ever.i kept mine with odessa barbs,sterbai cory's.5 different types of rainbow fish.denisonii are a fantastic fish,but in my opinion,i would get a group of 7.
i've just bought 4 redline torpedos a week ago. Mine doesn't seem to be very colourful. The red line is more like pale pink - all four of them. What can I do to enhance the colour? What conditions help improve the colours? I do notice that when I turn on the lights in the morning, the lines are redder. But after an hour - back to pale pink.

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