Red Jewels


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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Hi all.
I have 2 red jewels in a tank on their own. when i got them i asked my lfs if they could sex them as i wanted a male/female they said they could so i just got the pair(i know. i should have got more and let them pair off) anyway does anyone have any tips on what to do.
The 2 jewels seem to get along fine there is never any signs of aggression at all i dont know if they are both females or both males. should i introduce another type of fish into the tank to see how they react or do i get more red jewels move around the rocks etc and see what happens.
Any replys most welcome. :good:
I don't really know much about that fish but I think that tanks too small for red jewels.
for temporary breeding purposes id say 90 was ok but for housing them permanently id say you need a 200 ltr +
for temporary breeding purposes id say 90 was ok but for housing them permanently id say you need a 200 ltr +
I agree with you balajake but surely if you manage to get a breeding pair and they are in a tank on their own then they should be ok as regards attempting breeding
Not ideal for jewels as they need 30 gallons which is around 135 litres but you could get away with it. I wouldn't add anymore fish with them though as they are very terratorial and can be aggressive. So, if you have got a pair and they were to pair up and breed then they would be likely to kill any other fish in the tank as a 90 litre can only house smaller fish such as tetras, guppies, mollys, and/or dwarf cichlids
Not ideal for jewels as they need 30 gallons which is around 135 litres but you could get away with it. I wouldn't add anymore fish with them though as they are very terratorial and can be aggressive. So, if you have got a pair and they were to pair up and breed then they would be likely to kill any other fish in the tank as a 90 litre can only house smaller fish such as tetras, guppies, mollys, and/or dwarf cichlids
But is there any way i can find out if i do have a pair or are they the same sex
no way to tell really, the differences are very subtle, too subtle

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