Red-green Dwarf Puffer...

Would you like me to rub it better? :p
Or apply some ice :*
At least let me take alook to make sure you aint broken anything :X

Now that's an offer a girl can't refuse! :lol:

Pretty sure I didn't break anything, but trying to sit still all day at work wasn't much fun. :no:

Ice would be handy though!

veto on the congo puffer!! congo puffers are devoted piscavores and ambush predators. in nature and in our aquariums, they bury themselves in the sand and leap out to munch on anything that swims past their nose. not just your neons but your whole tank would be vulnerable to these fish!

really, if you can't devote an aquarium to keeping a puffer on its own, then you can't own a puffer. even members of reportedly peaceful species can display terrible vicious streaks and can overnight kill all of their tankmates. when mixing puffers into community settings, you just never know when things might start to go wrong and you'll need to remove the puffer permanently to his own tank.

Don't worry! I'd already veto'd it for now because it would interrupt my plans and my neons will not be put at risk - nor my pygmy cory babies! :eek:

Will just have to move to a bigger house, won't I?

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