Red Eye Tetra - Protruding Scales - Fish Injury Or Disease? ( Pictures

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Mostly New Member
Feb 2, 2014
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I've bought 6 red eye tetras 2 days ago, I noticed immediately upon adding the fish that one of them had a few scales sticking out, almost in a row downwards, the area is also purple-ish. The fish is acting normally, eating well and swimming around. I wonder if anyone can confirm whether this is an injury or a disease such as dropsy? The fish is not bloated and no other fish seem to show anything unusual.
I've taken a few pictures accessed via the link below that I hope will help:
My tank was cycled 3 months ago and my ammonia & nitrates are 0.    
hi Flashing-lights - sorry you are having these problems.
Difficult to tell from those pictures what it is. Can you get closer, more focussed pictures?
Just for information dropsy is not actually a disease, but a symptom of usually something like an internal bacterial infection.
Unless your tank is heavily planted I'd be suspicious of a negative nitrate result unless you actually meant nitrite in which case that is good. If you meant nitrAte then chances are the result is wrong or your tank wasn't fully cycled. Are you using API water tests by any chance?
Was the tank fully occupied in the 3 months since it was cycled?
Try to give us as much information as possible - like tank size, occupants, equipment, temperature, pH  etc. Makes it easier to help if we have that sort of information.
Incorrect stats there previously, ammonia: 0, nitrate: 20ppm, nitrite: 0, ph 7.5 - api test kits, 78 Fahrenheit, planted tank.
I have a betta, 6 glowlight tetras an 6 red eye tetras in a 60 litre tank.
This isn't the result of nipping within my tank the fish was like this when I brought it home from the petshop (before anyone blames the betta - he keeps himself to himself
) I only noticed upon putting it into my tank which was 2 days ago, all the red eye tetra are new, I carried out a 5 week fishless cycle before adding any fish.
I've added more pictures to my folder:
Your 2nd link keeps taking me to the dropbox sign-in page so can't see the new pictures.
That nitrate level sounds more like it.
The only thing about bettas is they can be quite territorial so if they are established in the tank first they can become aggressive to newcomers.
Not all bettas are the same tho and you may just have a peaceful one.
Were the fish in a tank with aggressive tank-mates in the LFS? It could be a case of being injured whilst being netted or during transport home. 
Hopefully you can get the link working to your new pictures.
Hi there. Keep an eye on the injury. And the fishes behaviour. He may heal without problems in time. Just keep the water clean and maybe do small water changes daily. A tiny bit of salt helps with healing if you have any that you can add...only use sea salt or aquarium salt though as table salt has impurities which fish don't like. Hope he makes a full recovery. Keep an eye out for little strings coming from the affected area. If you see one it may be a parasite. I can't see anything very clearly in the pictures either, sorry about that . Good luck
From what I can see, and it's not a good close up so it's a bit of guesswork if I'm honest, it looks like damaged scales in the first picture in that last link.
As LilyRose says keep the water clean and watch for any changes in appearance of either the injury or the shape of the fish.
They probably are establishing their pecking order but be watchful for any aggression or unusual timidity and keep a close eye on your water parameters now the bioload has increased somewhat.

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