I'm sure if you explain to them the situation you are in, they will have no problem in writing the prescription.
Believe me, I know what it's like to stay up all night to keep an eye on things. Most people can't understand that. I've missed countless family functions, my family has gotten used to it and have come to "understand" how important it is to me, but the significant others family has had issues with it. They say stuff like "It's just a fish, if it dies can't she just get another one? Isn't this barbeque more important than a stupid fish" They fail to see that it takes me a couple years to stock my breeding tanks with the best quality fish, and countless hours of care and work to make sure the conditions are optimal. One of them has a 15 gal with a few platys, and everytime I go over there I am filled with complete disgust. The tank is usually half empty, the filter barely working, the glass coated with a centimeter of algae, no plants, no rocks. Maybe I'm just bitter, but the sad part is that they may jokes like "Oh well, the fish are still alive" Makes me so angry! I usually bite my lip, but would love to say "How would you like to live out your entire life in a dirty room with no furniture and amongst your own urine and feces?"
Sorry for venting
