Took a look at the pictures. Perhaps someone could move both threads into the same topic? Since we are dealing with one tank here?
Okay, since the fish are in the same tank, sounds to me like the bacterial infections are stemming from poor water conditions. I would probably advice against moving the guppy into the bowl. Do you have an empty 10 gallon lying around, what size is the quarantine, maybe you could use that if it's empty? Also, I would probable hold off on the salt baths at the moment.
So basically, step one. Set up a bare hospital tank (you can put a couple of large rocks to make the fish more comforatable, but no gravel and no plants). Fill it with water from the main tank, put on a small filter and fill it with it with filter media from the main tank (no carbon). Don't forget to put a heater on it as well. Put the sick fish in here. What temp is your main tank? You may want to start bringing the temp in the hospital tank up to 80F over the next couple of days, after putting the sick fish in it.
Over the next few days you'll be doing small water changes on the main tank everyday if you can, or at the least every other day. What size is the tank? I would suggest you do about 10% of your water volume. Maybe you have a high organic load that is affecting your water quality, so make sure while you are doing the water changes, you are doing as much of a gravel clean clean as you can not exceeding 10% of the water. You'll get a little section done everyday. Keep a close eye on the rest of the fish and make sure they are not getting sick as well.
Now, you'll have to go out and get the meds. Minocycline or Tetracycline (as per the other thread) I wouldn't be worried about the possibility of ectoparasites right now (flukes etc) as the fish could just be scratching from the poor water conditions. Besides these can be dealt with after, I am more concerned about damage to the internal organs right now. You'll have to let me know which med you get, and we'll go from there. Either way, you'll want to be doing a small water change everyday on the hospital, a couple hours before you would put the meds in. Now, this water change is going to be very small, only about 5% or less. Just enough to suck out the poop and uneaten food, as the important part here is to keep the fish in a realatively sterile environment, without drastically altering the water conditions. And no lights what so ever. Keep the blinds closed, as mino and tetra degrade in UV light and are not as effective.
Let me know when you have all this sorted, and hopefully it will all be smooth sailing from there.