Red Eared Slider


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
I was thinking of getting one of these guys. I ve done a bit of research... but a few things I didnt find much room do they need out of water...and how much in water? And how deep should the water be...Also , in order to supplement their diet, what types of fruits etc would they eat, and how much?

Thanx a bunch :hyper:
Well, i am no expert on sliders but I have a friend who loves to keep them, and they are happy and healthy. I have only had a tortoise and babysat some sliders, but what I have seen him do is this.

He keeps about 5 or 6 of them in what is probably a 55 gallon tank (could be bigger). He filled it halfway up with water and has about 5 or six logs/rocks that stick out of the water about the size of a slider. So out of water they really only need a place big enough for them to bask and get some warmth. I am assuming you have a warming lamp for them...? It is a good idea to put one in an area where the turtles can bask. The water in his setup is about a foot and a half deep, and has plenty of swimming room. I don't know too much about the diet, but I have fed them worms in addition to the turtle food he had. I think they eat some leafy greens, squash etc. Anyways hope that helped, and have fun with the turtles!!

Oh, here is a pretty good link to a turtle care site:
I would DEFINATELY not put 4-5 in a 55 gallon tank. If they're young he should be fine for a little while but they will very soon outgrow that tank, not to mention I can only imagine how hard it must be to keep it filtered well... Nothing against you or your friend Chuka it's just that sliders get to be close to 12'' across.

The standy reccomendation is 10 gallons for every 1 inch of turtle... This is an estimate and their are obviously situations where other things can be done. But for one slider I would reccomend an 120 gallon tank for a pair. You could surely start with a 55 for the pair but would need to upgrade relatively soon.
They say you should have 10 gallons for every inch of turtle.
But If you had about 1 or 2 i would have them in about a 100 US gallon tank or bigger.
Have a good filter system they are messy.

• Romaine Lettuce
• Leaves of Radish
• Collard Greens
• Carrot
• Beetroot
• Turnip Greens
• Sweet Potato [cooked - boiled/ steamed/baked]
• Beans
• Peas
• Pumpkin
• Squashes

• Papaya
• Mango
• Water Melon ( Feed rarely)
• Cantaloupe/Common Melon
• Grapes (remove skin so its easier for them to pick at )
• Pear
• Strawberry
• Figs


*Java Moss
*Water Fern
*Water Hyacinth
*Water Lettuce
*Water Lily
*Amazon Swords

• Feeder Fish ( guppies, rosey reds)
• earthworms
• mealworms
• crickets
• apple snails or other water snails

Getting Calcium
• Cuttle bone
• Calcium Dusting ( you can crush cuttle bone for this)
• Calcium blocks

Getting Vitamin A
• Green leafy vegetables
• Carrot
• Squash
• Cod liver oil
I would DEFINATELY not put 4-5 in a 55 gallon tank. If they're young he should be fine for a little while but they will very soon outgrow that tank, not to mention I can only imagine how hard it must be to keep it filtered well... Nothing against you or your friend Chuka it's just that sliders get to be close to 12'' across.

The standy reccomendation is 10 gallons for every 1 inch of turtle... This is an estimate and their are obviously situations where other things can be done. But for one slider I would reccomend an 120 gallon tank for a pair. You could surely start with a 55 for the pair but would need to upgrade relatively soon.

No offense taken iairj, it has been a long while since I cared for my buddy's turtles, there could have easily been less, and the tank could have been quite a bit larger. I wasn't too in to fish or aquariums at the time so I didn't take in too many of the details. Just trying to give a general idea of what I had experienced, since no one had responded to the question, and man, I hate when that happens! :)

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