Red Dragon Spawn

I really don't know Newfishy.......I've never had any go that long before :( Are these eggs in a tub?
yup, the eggs in the tub that I stole while spawning...a few have black dots, the eggs he spewed everywhere when I moved him only have 1 or 2 eggs otu of 100 or so with black dots.
at 82 they shouldve hatched by now. its at temps of below 78 that they take longer and then its only 3 days at the most and some even hatch in 24hours at these lower temps.
well, poo.

do you think I should even try waiting any longer or should I just scrub the tank down?
i know that you are doing this b/c you had a prob with males eating eggs but why dont you just give the males a chance to hatch them as nature intended they would bound to get it at some point.
because I had at least 6 spawns where the male ate the whole nest, and it had gotten very depressing and even after giving some some 2 or 3 trys it still happens.

I really dont knwo where Im going worng, I have the tanks set up perfect, the fish are conditioned for weeks if not months, and it still happens.
How are you conditioning them? Are they in their own containers (not divided tanks) and being fed 3-4x per day? Do you change the water after your feedings? What do you feed?

I have a white worm culture, and it's great! The fish LOVE the live food, and all you need to do is feed them some stale or new fish food and they multiply like crazy. If you want a starter, pm me and we can figure something out. I'm leaving for vacation today and won't be back until Aug 15th-ish.
to condition I keep the female in a 5 gallon by herself and the male in the 20 long, both with good mature hob filters, for 2-4 weeks they get fed 3-4 times daily frozen bloodworm/brineshrimp/daphina and a few pellets of attisons betta pro, water gets changed daily after the last feeding. I am carefull to stand by and watch them I feed them only what they can consume in a few min, the rest gets sucked out.

thank you very much for the offer for some white worms, it is something I may look into in the future, Im not going to do any spawns for a while, as the drama has been a little stressing and I have to move the whole betta mess around the house again. going down into the basement, however calm and quite is tough with a todler in tow.

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