Red Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
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hi does anyone know how many shrimpets a red cherry and a orange shrimp have
I have put 2 gravid females in a net so I can see the size when they are born and wondered how many they have
can't wait for them to be born the orange shrimp you can see black dots in the eggs so hopefully she won't be long

I am like a big child can't wait
Cherry shrimp normally have 20-30 shrimplets going from experience. I think orange shrimp are about the same but I have not bred these but keep us posted as I'd be interested to know!

Good luck!
Cherry shrimp normally have 20-30 shrimplets going from experience. I think orange shrimp are about the same but I have not bred these but keep us posted as I'd be interested to know!

Good luck!

that's loads more than I thought, I thought it would be around 10 lol the shrimpets I have seen are small but looking at the adult I didn't think she would be able to have that many
I must be right then thinking they are being pulled into the under gravel filter as I have seen them kicking the eggs/shrimpets onto the moss but can only see 4 shrimpets, can't wait until the sponge one is cycled

I will let you know when they are born
Its been two weeks and still no sign though the red cherry is huge so hopefully not to long now
I'm looking at one right now... Sitting on top of some bogwood. It's about 5-6 mm long, most of that is the translucent tail. Once you've seen what one baby shrimplet looks like it's definately easier to spot others! I hate to thing how many I've gravel vac'ed up though :sad:
I'm looking at one right now... Sitting on top of some bogwood. It's about 5-6 mm long, most of that is the translucent tail. Once you've seen what one baby shrimplet looks like it's definately easier to spot others! I hate to thing how many I've gravel vac'ed up though :sad:
that's what worries me I would hate to throw them away, I have seen about 4 in the tank so now know what they are like but on the reading up it says they are about 2mm so just waiting to see with the ones in the trap and it will show how many they have just interested.
was looking in the net and saw some very tiny shimplets so took out the 2 shrimps which both had had there babies
I lowered the net and counted the shrimplets as they came out
56 slowly came out the net
I would think that the orange had as much as the red cherry there was 3 dead ones
I would be surprised if they all survive would be nice if they did
I've recently started having shrimplets too :) I tend to put a good old fashioned sieve over the bucket and direct the water into it so I know I don't suck up any babies. Works a treat! And I know what you mean about being a big kid about it. I could sit and watch them for hours!
I've recently started having shrimplets too :) I tend to put a good old fashioned sieve over the bucket and direct the water into it so I know I don't suck up any babies. Works a treat! And I know what you mean about being a big kid about it. I could sit and watch them for hours!
you might need a very fine net as they are so small they might go through a sieve
I don't watch tv any more just watch the tank lol,
I am going to try and talk hubby into letting me have a bigger tank for them

when I do a water change I siphon the water into a bowl then look for shrimplets, to get them out I suck them up with a turkey baster takes time but I would hate to throw any away

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