Red Cherry Shrimp With White Stuff


Feb 27, 2009
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one of my baby-ish red cherry shrimps has a white mucusy blob right below the head in the body... (its not outside, it looks like what a ghost shrimp would have if they were 'bout to die.) The fact that stops me from displacing the shrimp is that it ends there and the tail is not affected by the white blob. I have green shrimps with my red cherry shrimps and i'm pretty sure they have interbred before. Is this normal? What should i do if not?
Normally a sign of illness parasite perhaps or bacterial infection given the location
Green shrimp, if they are the common species under that name, aren't capable of hybridising with cherry shrimp.

It could just be a young 'saddled' (developing eggs showing) female depending on the age of the shrimp. The eggs are usually yellow-ish.

If not, my standard procedure for when I notice anything abnormal with my shrimp is to do a 50% water change and add fresh carbon to the filter for 24 hours, while keeping a close eye on the tank for dead shrimp (which can often pass on pathogens if eaten by other shrimp).

The site is great for shrimp health problems, however, in the event you have shrimp dying:;client=tmpg

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