Red Cherry Shrimp Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Michigan - The Great Lake State
I have an empty 7 US gallon (26.5 l) tank that I would like put in only Red Cherry Shrimp. This will be my first attempt keeping shrimp.

Items I already have:
- AquaClear Mini (20) power filter
- Visi-Therm 50 watt heater
- Coralife mini-freshwater fluorescent light (9 watts x 2)
- small black gravel

I will jump start the cycle with a sponge from one of my other power filters and complete the cycle with ammonia. This will be my first fishless cycle. I'm going to add a small piece of mopani wood and some java moss.

My LFS is selling Red Cherry Shrimp for $4 (£2.05) each or buy five and get one for free. Is this a good price? How many would be good for a 7 gallon? Is there anything I'm forgetting or tips you would like to share? Thanks in advance. :)

Edit: added $ / £ conversion
~£2 each for cherry shrimp is a good anyway.
One tip is that your power filter will suck in baby shrimp, you should use an air powered sponge filter to avoid this :good:
Also 50watts seems like a bit too big a heater for that tank, but it shouldent cause too many problems...
Sounds like a good plan, if you get five and they are a mixed sex group they will soon multiply, you can of course get more but ten would be lots to start with, for heat anything between about 19C and 25C is fine, depends on the temp of the room, 25 watts should be enough. Moss is a favourite plant with the shrimps and the babies love it ,sand is best better than gravel as they like turning it over and eating the micro food on it. I use small HOB filters with the intake covered up for five gal tanks. Dont know about prices where you are but they are maybe cheaper on line if cost is much of a factor.

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