Red Cherries Dying

yes, they are just dropping, 5 dead now this morning. The only thing i could think of is that i did a 50% water change 4 days ago, maybe that just shocked them
Did you put dechlorinator in the new water? What's the waters stats? Was the water at a similar temperature as the tank water? Are any of your sink fixtures rusting?
yes ofc i put dechlorinator in, no tap rust as i am aware of, its a pretty new house, nearly 4 years old, tested water for copper and heavy metals, my water hardness is not especially hard

temp of the water was very similar but i did add it quite fast, a friend said that i may have added the water too fast and shocked them to death
Unlikely they were shocked to death, When I do my weekly 50% water change I use cold water and my shrimp never seem bothered let alone die.
I cant see that your fish would be attacking them, are you sure it is not the exoskeletons that you are finding? When I first started to keep shrimp I mistook exoskeletons for dead shrimp.
Also shrimp are more likely to molt after a water change IME. 
It's an extremely odd situation. Though I saw another thread where same thing happened almost, and it turns out the persons mum used the bucket to clean the house and so all that cleaner got into the tank.
Maybe pictures would make people stop asking over and over. :p

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