Red Belly Piranha - irridescent sharks-convicts

Tokis-Phoenix said:
Its not going to last trust me, the current tank size is also far too small to hold any of your fish- they may look small right now but they are only babys in comparison to what they'll be in a year or so time. Your irredescent shark will enventually be 3-4ft long, which is the length or longer of your average 30gal so it won't even have room to turn around.

Also there is little point of me advising you how to save your fish other than rehome them, the shark is not going to stop getting beat up and the others will rip the hell out of each other when it does die.
I could say "yes your fish will be ok, just give them some time to get to know each other and they'll be fine" but i'd be lying if i did. You came on this forum for honest advice and there isn't going to be a single member here with an ounce of knolege on fish keeping thats going to tell you that your fish are going to co exist with each other happily.
They aint going to live for a month let alone a year.
like i told you before friend has red bellys convicts gold fish irridescent sharks and lots of other species living telling you guys its possible....
i know ill have to get a bigger tank...i know...but i m just worried for my shark now
srry...this is what it looks like


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until you get the different species apart then add more in the way of caves and such. if you can add more of that then you may break the line of sight a bit more so giving the fish more of a chance to get their own little territory going.
to be honest, just because it worked for one person doesnt mean it will work for another. fish like humans have different personalities.
can you get closer shots of the piranha and convicts?
yup heres hurricane


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this is 1 of the convicts


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well they all still seem to be juveniles so until you either get new homes for some of them, especially the piranha as he needs to be in groups as does the bala, then all i can suggest is what ive already said and put in more caves and hope they keep themselves to themselves.
as for the bite on the shark then it doesnt look too bad and should heal on its own.
sorry i wasnt very fair on you before but weve had a lot of people posting crap and it looks like you are genuinely looking for help.
good luck with them.
I'm sorry to be rude but the poster above is right you're an IDIOT... don't waste people's time posting on this forum if you don't care about what they have to say and think you know better!!!

You may not care about animal's welfare but then dont try and p*ss off a bunch of people that do. Sadly your poor fish are all gonna die... and I guess the only good thing that can come out of it is that you'll lose the money you spent on them!

Now I'm not an expert at fish keeping (far from it) but many people on here are so don't come on here saying things like "I'm telling you these fish can live together" NO THEY CAN'T!!!

Now stop being so arrogant, ignorant & selfish and take those poor fish back so someone with some sense can give them a happy home.

Sorry everyone for getting so mad but people like this just rile me!
I think since this topic was started going on 3 years ago that the situation came to a conclusion long ago.
Ha ha, sorry it had been bumped today! Ahh well guess those fish are long dead then!
eventually, every fish in that tank will be a meal for that piranha. Tankmates are never a good idea for piranhas.

oh wow, just noticed how old the topic is. I guess not many people make it in this part of the forum.

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