Red Belly Pacu

ok but any ideas on compatibility?

well i have a 180g with 2 pacu that i rehomed rhonda a red belly came to me from a 55g, ron my black pacu came from a 33g , i have 3 oscar, 4 juvi green terror, 3 zilli tilapia, 2 plecs and a baby sev in the tank

ive had no fights or any issues with the tank shortly the 4 gt will be goin to thier new homes and eventually the pacu will move to a 365g im having made and from there to my indoor green space im doing

personally there is no way i would buy a pacu but i was asked to rehome them and since i have the tanks to do it i said yeh and since they can live 20+ years will be interesting to see how big they end up getting
I had a single pacu with a jewel cichlid in a 46 gallon tank for around 3-4 years. I would assume that your pacu would get along with most of the lesser aggressive cichlids as they are fast enough to not get eaten and wont harass the pacu.

Yes -- I eventually gave the pacu to someone with a 180g tank.


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