Red Bellied Piranhas

I agree with the trade in idea. Faerie dont flame him, at least he had the decency to ask people which are more experienced for help and did research instead of being an impulse buyer.
for your information ImperfectFaerie, I never said that I was going to go and buy them. I was just going to buy the tank and trade them in to the lfs like people have been suggesting. I just wanted to be able to feed them something in case I coulden't get the to the lfs right away and I want to look around try and find the best possible lfs to give the fish to want to make sure they go somewhere nice. :) Not trying to strart an argument here but I thought thatt was rather rude of you ImperfectFaerie.
Just picked up the tank today and found a very nice lady who wold take the piranhas. And my god was that tank beautiful. The lfs will not be selling the piranhas they have a HUGE tank that they use just as a display filled with red bellied piranhas. THe piranhas will go in the tank along with 8 others. The tank had to be over 3,000 gallons. It actually was more of a pond than a tank. It was this thing that had glass sides and a screened top. I'm sure the piranhas are very happy now. In return for the piranhas I got 4 discus on hold. The pet store is holding them for me until I do a fishless cycle, so now I'm going to be asking about them. Well the piranhas are now in a very nice home and have plenty of friends. :) :) :) :) :p :rolleyes: :D :p :nod: :fish: :mama: :yahoo:
It's in RI and it's called The Fish Bowl. I'm glad that everything worked out well. I can't wait until I get my discus, but I know there save because there holding them for me while I do a fishless cycle.
A single red belly can't be hosued in a 55 gallon tank, its simply too small, not to mention it will be miserable without some other reds to keep it company. Simply, if you want piranhas in a 55 gallon tank, red bellies are NOT the species to pick.

For information 1 RBP would be ok in a 55 gallon, as the rule of thumb is 50gallons for 1st and 20gallons for each addition. (Although 75+ is much more apt)
Im not a expert of fish social warefare, but Im sure 1 wouldnt be "miserable", true you wouldnt see the true behaviour of the RBP and would be very skittish, but ultimatly would do fine.
The water doesn't matter, it's the filter media where all the bacteria are.
A single red belly can't be hosued in a 55 gallon tank, its simply too small, not to mention it will be miserable without some other reds to keep it company. Simply, if you want piranhas in a 55 gallon tank, red bellies are NOT the species to pick.

For information 1 RBP would be ok in a 55 gallon, as the rule of thumb is 50gallons for 1st and 20gallons for each addition. (Although 75+ is much more apt)
Im not a expert of fish social warefare, but Im sure 1 wouldnt be "miserable", true you wouldnt see the true behaviour of the RBP and would be very skittish, but ultimatly would do fine.

Piranha's live in large groups by nature, its how they survive, if you keep one by itself it would be miserable- for example, i'm sure you could bring up a human being in complete social issolation, but that person would live a miserable existance, and as you put it you wouldn't see the true natural/normal behavior of the individual.

There is a difference to just being alive and actually enjoying life and thriving.

The problem with keeping piranha's in crampt quarters as far as i am aware is that they have been known to cannibalise each other when they cannot cope with living with the lack of space anymore. This doesn't happen with all piranha's kept in overstocked tanks, as it mostly depends on the individual, but it does happen a lot none the less when this is so.

I would personally go with AMS's minimum amount of gallons estimate at 75gallons, it sounds a lot more reasonable for the fish involved :good: .
what i ment was you could of kept the filter media in a bucket of tank water and kept the bacteria
Piranha's live in large groups by nature, its how they survive, if you keep one by itself it would be miserable- for example, i'm sure you could bring up a human being in complete social issolation, but that person would live a miserable existance, and as you put it you wouldn't see the true natural/normal behavior of the individual.

There is a difference to just being alive and actually enjoying life and thriving.

The problem with keeping piranha's in crampt quarters as far as i am aware is that they have been known to cannibalise each other when they cannot cope with living with the lack of space anymore. This doesn't happen with all piranha's kept in overstocked tanks, as it mostly depends on the individual, but it does happen a lot none the less when this is so.

I would personally go with AMS's minimum amount of gallons estimate at 75gallons, it sounds a lot more reasonable for the fish involved good.gif
Thank you Tokis. I just don't see why people want to put Reds in a 55 gallon tank, you wouldn't put in an oscar in one, why put a red belly that grows just a large in one?
Well, as long as the filter media has stayed wet and hasn't gone longer then 2 or so hours without being airated (correct me if I'm wrong).
I just picked up the discus and theyre beutiful! 1 is a pigeon blood discus, 1 is a royal red discus, 1 is a red marlbaro discus and the last one is a yellow marlboro discus. They are so pretty! They are all about 3-4 inches long. I'm reading that they can get up to 8 inches long! I'm so excited.

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