Red Bellied Pacu

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Mar 5, 2007
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Hey Everyone,
I have 1 RBP and well he or she is in a 300 gallon tank right now and was wondering what are the other tankmates i can put in the tank with it.It is about 1.5 inches.It is still young.I just tranfered my 3 tinfoil barbs into the tank with it as well as 2 common pleco.
Does anyone know what i can keep wit a small 2 inch red bellied pacu with instead of 3 tinfoils and 2 plecos
Rainbow sharks look nice with the pacu. Pacu's get BIG, i would not suggest getting smaller fish as they might end up as an accidental meal.
Im glad to see someone plan ahead with a fish of this size. The Red-Bellies are the smaller of pacu species usually get 60-75cm in length. You could add pleco's, perferably larger species such as sailfins and commons.

Reply back with the dismensions of the tank and what filtration you have.

i got 3 C-360 canisters and 4 external filters with a bio wheel.And i have one other very huge tank for some other fish later on when the cycles is done.(10'L x 2.5'W x 4'H Lazy L 745 gallons) 7'L x 4'W x 4'H 300 gallons
And i forgot that for the 745 gallon tank it will probably be done within a week or 2 since it has been running for about 5 weeks.But it is already heated,and decorated.Now i just need to know what i should start out with for this enormous size tank.I was planning on getting a green terror and a jack dempsey or some group of these types.
you could do some incredible mbuna setups, if that is your decorations are rocky.
oh ok ill try that if i can.And yes i do hav all rocks in my tank as decorations.
is it a really rocky tank? or just scatered rocks? 475gallons is a lot of mbuna. head over to the african cichlid forum and start a topic if your interested.

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