Red Bellied Pacu Questions


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
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I have a 535 gal (8x4x2.5) tank. Many years ago I had a pacu before I knew better. Now I'd like to try again.

It currently has a mix of south/central american cichlids (oscars, green terrors, jack dempseys, convicts, firemouths, silver dollars, and severums).

I am wondering what is the biggest size a red pacu will grow in a home aquarium. I've seen the official max size as 30-36" but a fish that big would be too big for my tank. I'm looking for 24" max.

Would 1 pacu or 3 pacus be better (considering their preference for schooling)? I do have silver dollars that the pacu would probably swim with.

When does their growth start to slow? The pacu I had grew quickly to 12" then died due to poor water.

Any other suggestions?
Sorry cant help you on your matter, but any chance of some pics of your HUGE tank :drool:
2x Tiger oscars (11")
2x Gold severums (7" and 6")
3x Convicts, a pair (3.5" male and 2.0" female and 2.0" female)
20x Baby cons (1")
A bunch pf Baby cons (newly hatched)
1x Female firemouth (5")
2x Male firemouths (3.5”)
2x Jack Dempsy (6" and 7")
1x Green Terror (6")
2x Juvie Green Terrors (2.5")
7x Silver Dollars (3.5")
1x Rainbow Shark (4")
1x Irridescent Shark (12")
1x Synodontis nig. (4")
1x Synodontis eruptus (4")
1x Common Pleco (9")
1x Sun catfish (4")

Here it is. 8' x 4' x 2.5' Tenecor 535gal Acrylic. Sides 3/4". Top and bottom 1/2". Two access holes 2' x 3'. Black background with 4' x 6" trapezoid prefilter. It took 4 guys to move it. Sorry for the glare. I couldn't get rid of it. :( It's a beautiful tank. :D To help with perspective, the "cart" that the tank is sitting on is 30" wide and 30" tall.


Aquaclear 500 (110) for reference

Aquaclear 500 (110) for reference again

Pic of overflow (4' long x 6" wide with 1.5" tall teeth. 8 x 3/4" holes for water return.)

The stand and canopy aren't done yet.....

i cant believe my eyes! maybe try a giant gourami instead of pacu?

Good idea! I just want a large showpiece fish (18-30") that is compatible with my cichlids (biggest ones are oscars 11", smallest are convicts 1"). Maybe eat could munch a few cons here and there, but I would prefer to stay away from predatory fish with my current mix of fish.

Fish I've eliminated that I really like:
Channel catfish
Pike cihlid
Jaguar cichlid

From the right end

Irridescent shark :shock:

From the left end of the tank

I really like the GT!

3 Firemouths and one of the two juvie GT's

The JD's are my favorite

Adult cons

Baby cons

how did you ever afford a tank setup that big?!?!?!? What types of filtration do you have running on that monster? The giant gouramis are a lot like pacus except smaller, a tad more aggressive (for the most part peaceful), less appetite, and produces far less waste. Look in the middle of the page here.... giant gourami The one pictured there is an albino.
That is absolutely positively one of the best tanks I have ever seen! That Iridescent Shark looks beautiful!
I've had to read this thread a few times,honestly, your tank is superb.

As for the fish to go inside it, I'm not sure. I always think that the Giant gourami can look a bit hideous, but they're quite placid so might be one of the better options. I'm not sure I could confirm how spiteful they would be towards other fish, but BGK's can grow giant giant can't they? There are other knifefish as well which might be suitable.

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