Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
10g tank
7 goldfish 1 inch in size
6 guppies 1/2 inch
1 betta normal size
1 albino pleco now dead :byebye:
1 java fern (windelov variety)

The situation:
Pleco developed red coloring under eyes few days ago. Posted on catfish cradle (is my pleco sick). Advised to do daily water changes. Did 10% daily water changes with dechlorinated water of same temp. Pleco stopped eating yesterday. Found dead this morning at bottom of tank. Removed ASAP. Other fish still active and healthy looking with normal poo. Water parameters unknown. I live in malaysia where there are no test kits and the lfs thinks u r crazy if u ask them to analyze a water sample.

1. Cause of plecos death :byebye:
2. Action(s) required
3. Probability of mass infection/death.

Action until then:
Feed normally and observe fish.

Thanks for any help u guys can provide ( PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I don't know...

BUT...your pleco died, and judging by your posting icon in your post, you're rolling with laughter. It's not that funny...unless you wanted it to die or he died in a "funny" way or something like that...
Oh dear oh dear I am VERY SORRY. i actually thought he was rolling on the floor and crying.......This is affecting me more than i expected
FBG just becasue teh post is written slightly differently I wouldn't be so quick to judge, your postings often contradict and ask the same things answered many time before, often to ur other postings!

Hi Phantom Theif, couple of points goldfish and tropical fish shouldn't really be kept together as the goldfish are coldwater fish. Also Goldfish put out a LOT of waste and increase the bioload of your tank significantly, they're going to get a lot bigger so I would look at trying to take them back to the shop, personally I think ur tank is overstocked.

I've no idea what the mail situation over there is but is there any way you can order ammonia & nitrite test kits off of the web?

Keep up the water changes and I would definatley advise doing another change of about 40% then the daily 10% until things are normal.

U also may get problems with the betta and guppies, the betta will look at their fins and think their competition so you may get some fin nipping/fighting happening.

Definately get rid of the goldfish though, they cause too many problems in a tropical tank.

Sorry bout your loss, if you're going to get another pleco (when water conditions are safe and tank cycling properly) then look at getting a bristlenose (anicistrus) as they don't grow very big.

Hi lithril

Sorry, i didnt mention that my betta doesnt bother the guppies at ALL. They just swim past him and he swims past them. I'll definitely get rid of the goldfish, one of my friends want them. but then what can i add to the soon to be understocked tank? after it gets back to normal, that is.

p.s: observed u r a big lotr fan. so am i. i cant wait for Rotk. i already bought the game and from what it looks, its gonna be FANTASTIC
Yup going to book tickets today, was going to go to the opening night but can't get the time off of work, should be really good.

How about 3 cories to go with current tank mates.

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